thirty two 🦩

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anna and izzy stood at the foot of the house, with a shocked look on their face. "i wonder who that is." anna said nervously laughing.

izzy raised her eyebrow at the blonde haired girl. "anna, i know it's daniel." izzy said. anna kept quiet and looked away.

"maybe, i should just...go?" izzy said after a few more minutes of awkward silence with loud moans in the background.

"no! i mean - your, not going. please don't." anna said with a pleading look on her face. "but..." izzy said.

"please stay! i want to hang with you!" anna cried. "fine, fine. but can we go somewhere else? like not here?" izzy said hinting to the noise.

"what? oh yeah, okay." anna said. "backyard?" she suggested. "as long as we don't hear that shit." izzy said pointing to where the bedrooms were.


the noise was still loud from the backyard, but it wasn't disturbing. izzy was clearly annoyed by it, but anna didn't say anything and kept quiet.

the two girls talked about their past, and things that want to do. "so, what type of job were you looking at doing?" anna asked.

"to be honest, i don't really know. i could write a book? i started one the other day. my teacher used to say i was a good writer." izzy said, dryly chuckling.

"that's cool! i would totally read it." anna said. "awe, thank you! but yeah i don't know what the book would be about." izzy said.

"maybe like, think of a few ideas, write them down then join them all together? i don't know." anna said thoughtfully.

"yeah, that's an idea." izzy said. "but i was thinking i could do-"

izzy got cut of by anna's phone ringing. anna shot an apologetic look to izzy before picking her phone up.

izzy got a glance of the caller id, and it was gabriela. "hey gab? what's up?" anna asked when she picked up the call.

izzy heard muffled voices on the other side of the line, but didn't know what gabriela was saying. 

anna listened, with a frowning expression on her face, but then it got replaced by a look of joy. "okay, bye! i'm coming!" anna said and ended the call.

"what was that all about?" izzy chuckled looking at anna's expression. 

"tate gave birth! let's go!" anna said and grabbed izzy's hand and ran out.


"this is george maxwell marais." tatum said softly, handing the little baby boy to anna. anna gasped and held the new born baby tightly, afraid if she was gonna drop it.

tatum herself, looked very tired with gabriela consoling her. the other boys were there too, with daniel rushing in last minute.

all of them, congratulating jonah. the new parent's families were there too, wanting to take a look at their new nephew and grandson. 

"she's so precious." jonah commented smiling at his new son. izzy stood there watching her ex-friends coo over the baby.

no one noticed her, apart from anna - and izzy didn't want to be noticed. she really didn't have a choice - anna dragged her along, before she could even say no.

izzy was just about to turn around, and leave - but anna stopped her from that. anna grabbed izzy's hand and pulled her into the hospital room.

everyone looked at the two girls, mostly at izzy but no one said anything. "um, hi?" izzy said frowning.

"oh, sorry - i bought izzy with me." anna said sheepishly. "no, no that's fine. besides we should have reached out to you izzy." tatum said.

"well why didn't you? why didn't any of you? for four months! that's 121 days!" izzy said before she realised what she said.

tatum and jonah's family slowly left, feeling uncomfortable. "we'll leave you guys alone." carrie said and exited the room.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to burst." izzy said, sighing and looking at george in jonah's arms. "no, no your fine. we should have talked to you" kay said.

"yeah? well you didn't any of you!" izzy said. "and if you excuse me, i have better things to do then stay here." she said and walked out the room.


sorry but pretend jonah's last name is actually marais hehe thank u :)

and don't judge the name i picked lmao

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