seventeen 🦩

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"DANIEL FUCKING SEAVEY GET YOUR ASS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW." izzy yelled immediately when she walked into daniel's apartment.

daniel appeared from nowhere and started talking nonsense. "oH mY gOd! bAbY! i MiSsEd YoU tOdAy!" daniel slurred when he saw izzy.

'great, he's drunk." izzy thought and rolled her eyes. "why are you fucking drunk?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

"Me AnD tHe GuYs WeNt OuT" he slurred with a big idiotic smile on his face. "don't drink then! it's not good for you!" izzy scolded him.

daniel rolled his eyes. "SoRrY mOm" he said, flopping onto the couch. "and...who's this bitch? who's chelsea?" izzy said showing daniel her phone.

"cHeLsEa....?oHhH, cHeLsEa! YeAh, HeR! oH, tHe GuYs DaRed Me To TeXt YoU tO sEem LiKe I'm ChEaTiNg." daniel said laughing.

izzy raised her eyebrow at the drunk boy in front of her, looking for any signs of it being a lie - but daniel looked genuine.

izzy wanted to make sure he didn't cheat and she rang up corbyn. "corbyn. i need you to answer me, did daniel cheat on me when all you five were out?" she asked.

"what? no? of course he didn't - he loves you? what are you talking about- oh! that text, yeah we dared him, sorry if you took it the wrong way." corbyn said sheepishly.

"oh, good." izzy said sighing in relief. "buttttt, him and jack were very drunk and so they might of kissed each other?" corbyn said in a full sentence.

"wait what? jack? that's okay but why?" izzy said confused. "i don't know! they just did!" corbyn said.

"okay, well bye!" izzy said and hung up. she looked at daniel who was now sleeping on the couch with his mouth wide open.

izzy then went on her contacts to find gabriela's name. "izzy? hey!" gabriela said when she answered the call.

"gab! hi! did you know jack and daniel kissed?" izzy said laughing. "yeah! oh my god - jack came here with a big ass smile, and started yelling 'i kissed daniel' he yelled so loud he woke up poor lav!" 

"awe, say hi to lavender for me!" izzy gushed, missing the two year old. "i remember like it was yesterday when she was born." 

"same! she's growing up so fast!" gabriela said. "hey, how about you come over tomorrow - and we have a girls night with the others - just like old times!" 

"yes, please! that would be lovely!" izzy said. "yeah, because jack is staying over jonah and corbyn's with eben - and i think daniel is too, and zach is - i don't know, but the point is we have the house to ourselves!" 

"yay!" izzy said, feeling excited to reconnect with the other girlfriends. "okay, well i have to do the planning!" gabriela said.

the two friends said bye, and hung up. izzy looked over at daniel who looked like he was in deep sleep.

izzy walked over to daniel's linen cupboard and pulled out a blanket. she walked over to the couch, and gently put the blanket over daniel.

she tucked him in and then felt her phone buzz.

don't we why 🤩

gabriela 💜

hey girls! been a while since we texted on here... i have something to tell you all!

daniel's gorl 🥺

i think i know what ur talking about ;)

teena 💅

if you mean it's been two YEARS then ur fucking right, but oooo what is it?

cookie 🍪

hey y'all! what is it gab?

tati snake 🐍

hi girlssssss, anyway what's up momma?

gabriela 💜

so...i was thinking all us five have a girl's night tmrw? my place at 4?

cookie 🍪

ooooo yes! i'll come!

teena 💅

i'm flying into la tomorrow morning, so i'm coming!

daniel's gorl 🥺

i'm obviously comingggg

tati snake 🐍

me too! and i have something i have to tell u girls anyway...

gabriela 💜

okay! that's good! and i'm excited to know what it is tate 🧡

cookie 🍪

cool! so tmrw is girls night!

gabriela 💜

andddd, it's also a sleepover! so bring night shit

daniel's gorl 🥺 

see y'all tmrw! can't wait <3

teena 💅

see u

tati snake 🐍


cookie 🍪

hehe, baiiiii!



some tea coming in the next chapter 👀

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ☾ daniel seaveyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant