eighteen 🦩

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"oh my gawdddd! it's been so long! last time we saw each other was on that stupid bus!" gabriela screeched when she saw izzy getting out of her car in the drive way.

gabriela had lavender in one hand, resting on her hip running to izzy with her free hand hugging her.

"i know! the bus doesn't count as a catch up, but - hi lav!" izzy said directly her attention to the little girl in gabriela's arms wearing a little lavender coloured onesie.

most of lavender's clothes were in the colour of lavender, but gabriela and jack couldn't be more proud.

"do you want another baby?" izzy asked wriggling her eyebrows at the curly haired girl. "yes, but a little later." gabriela said chuckling.

"anyway come in! the other girls said they were round the corner." gabriela said ushering izzy into her house.


"okay, tate what do you want to talk about?" gabbie said.

kay, christina, tatum, gabriela and izzy were on gabriela's bed in a circle eating junk food, while lavender was in the middle making baby noises.

"well - um, i'm pregnant?" tatum said looking at lavender. "what?" christina said. "yeah, um - it's jonah's!" tatum cried.

"how long?" gabriela said popping a piece of chocolate into her mouth. "three weeks. i found out like - three days ago?" tatum replied.

"i thought i was getting fat, until scarlett - my sister was like you might be pregnant, and asked the last time me and jonah - you know, did it, and so i took a test, and it came out positive." tatum explained.

"have you told jonah?" kay asked. 

"no, that's the thing - i think jonah doesn't love me anymore. i think he's like - met someone else?" tatum said sighing.

"oh honey, jonah loves you. he looks at you like your his whole world! he loves you more than he loves music!" christina said trying to comfort the girl.

"that's because you are his whole world." izzy grinned. "what would i do without you girls." tatum said laughing and leaning her head on christina's shoulder while rubbing her stomach softly.

"i don't know." gabriela said laughing. "but - you have to tell jonah." she said with a warning look in her eye.

"of course." tatum said solemnly.


"okay. so today - i called all of you here because i wanted to tell you all something very important." tatum said.

all the why don't we families and girlfriends were all tatum's new apartment in los angeles. tatum called everyone over because she wanted to announce her pregnancy.

all the girlfriend's knew exactly what she was going to say. tatum took a deep breath then began speaking. "so basically, what i have to say it is...um - i'm pregnant? - with jonah's baby of course."

silence fell upon the room for a couple of minutes, no one spoke, until svea squealed and ran to tatum, enveloping her into a massive hug.

"wow. that's big." keri said smiling at the girl. "congratulations." "thank you keri, i appreciate that." tatum said smiling at the seavey mum.

"best of luck." sydnie said grinning at tatum. "thanks." she said.

the room went into silence again when jonah didn't react. "jonah?" tatum said, gulping. "are you okay?"

"i'm... am i going to be a dad?" jonah said frantically looking around. "is this a prank? let me guess... prank your boyfriend saying your pregnant?"

tatum reached for her bag, and pulled out the pregnancy stick that said she was positive, and handed it to jonah.

everyone in the room, waited for his reaction. he took the stick and looked at it. "i'm gonna be a dad." he said with tears in his eyes.

"yeah. yeah honey you are." tatum said crying. jonah stood up and hugged his girlfriend softly, while kissing the top of her head.

jonah let go of tatum and crouched down to tatum's stomach and started rubbing it softly with his hand. "hello baby! i'm your dad! i can't wait to meet you - i love you so much already." 

'awes' went around the room, looking at the couple that was so inlove. 

"that's gonna be us someday." daniel whispered into izzy's ear and kissing her cheek. leaving izzy red.



this is story is getting a bit dry, so imma finish it in the next probably ten or so chapter (maybe more) because i have so many more ideas for new ones :)

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