Chapter Twelve

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"MARINA, THIS IS for you," said Dumbledore. He reached into his jarring magenta robes and produced a feather unlike any she had ever seen. It looked like a flame, blue near its base, white, yellow, orange and crimson through its body, and deep smoky black near the tip. It glinted in the yellow light of the tall lamps that illuminated the deserted platform. She took it and slowly turned it around in her fingers.

"Is this a phoenix feather?" Marina guessed, mesmerised.

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded, "If anything happens, if you need help, Fawkes will be able to tell so long as you are holding this feather."

She gave him a curious look. "Can you really not come with us? What if you just left your wand behind? That way there's no chance Riddle could get it."

"I appreciate the invitation, Marina, but if I did not take a wand, there is very little benefit of my presence over your own," Dumbledore smiled. "And again, I do apologise that you must avoid magical means of travel – I'm afraid that I will continue to insist that we take every precaution when dealing with Tom... but Remus has assured me that despite the late hour of your arrival, he will be awaiting you in London."

"That's fine sir, I love trains," Marina said, attention still occupied by the beautiful feather. It didn't glow exactly, but it seemed to catch every bit of light around them. "We don't have many trains where I'm from so it's always exciting."

Dumbledore gave her a warm look.

Marina lowered the feather. "Anyway, it'll give me some time to talk to Riddle, I haven't seen him all week."

Suddenly a distant whistle pierced the calm night's warm air.

"Ah, the Hogwarts Express will be arriving soon, I must hurry back to the school... Minerva will have my head if I am not there to welcome the students..."

Dumbledore turned to the bench where Riddle was sitting some distance away from them, intently studying one of the books he'd insisted on bringing. "Good luck, Tom," called Dumbledore.

Riddle looked up and held Dumbledore's gaze for a moment. He gave a curt nod and looked back down at his book without another word. Marina rolled her eyes.

"We'll be alright," she scoffed. "Without a wand he's just another weedy teenager."

"I have faith in you, Marina," Dumbledore said seriously. The sudden sincerity in his voice surprised her and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Thanks," she said, going back to playing with the feather to avoid looking at him.

"Remember, if anything happens..." Dumbledore peered over his spectacles gravely. "I will be there immediately."

"Thanks," she repeated as the sounds of the train grew closer, "see you later, sir." She gave him a half smile, still feeling awkward.

Dumbledore nodded as he gave Riddle one last long look. Then, he drew his wand and vanished with a small pop. Marina turned and walked over to Riddle, letting her bag slide off her shoulder and onto the ground next to him and collapsing onto the bench with a sigh.

"Well," she said, still twirling the feather, "now's the time to murder me and hightail it."

"You're not funny," Riddle said, not looking up from his book.

A huge red steam engine was slowly pulling into the station before them, huge white clouds billowing from it and up into the night sky. Marina heard the faint sound of heavy footsteps coming from their right and turned to see the immediately recognisable form of Hagrid in the distance, holding a lantern in his hand. A thought clicked in Marina's brain. Hagrid. She looked around at Riddle.

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