Chapter 33: Ship of doom

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Shadow stood on top of the castle.
His fur gently flowing.

The dream suddenly warped.

It took a bit for you to recognize the place.
The place felt warm and familiar.

"You're back"

"Shadow? How did you"


"This never happened before"

He looked down, confused at your words.
"Love. Whatever do you mean?"

"Neither of us ever appeared back here after you woke up"
You stepped closer to him.
His ruby eyes staring at you.

"Before this? Before today?"

"The first time you woke up.
Back in the other world.
The world you're from."

Shadow looked down in thought.

"Are you... Back in the state of suspended animation?"

He looked back up.
"Like, in the capsule? Yes. Yes I am"

"It's because you couldn't hold in your power. Isn't it"
You looked to the side.

"I guess so, Love"

Your vision became slightly blurred.

"Oh Love, not now. Stay. Please"
He sounded desperate.



You shot up from your bed, breathing heavily.
The ring on your wrist burned and glowed red.
But then it stopped

You stared at it for a moment.
'What was that?'

You looked up.
The alarm clock on your wall read
8:23 AM

That's strange.
Tails would've already called on the comm to wake you up at 7:00 AM on the dot...

The light that read "the bridge" wasn't even flashing.
You pressed on a button below the light.

"Tails? Is anything the matter? You would've called me on the bridge much earlier"

"Oh hey (Y/n). Don't worry, I just thought you might want some rest you know"
He answered kind of nervously.

"Ookayy, I'll be right there"


The door slid open and you walked onto the bridge.

You noticed everyone seemed to act a wee bit off.
Giving you weird side glances and overall acting a bit off.

"Is everything good?"
You asked, weirded out by their behavior.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be!?" Tails blurted out.

"Cause all of you are... Acting weird"
You looked around at them.

They all quickly returned to their own screens.

You ignored it and walked up to your station.
Cream, who was in your place for the past hour smiled and jumped up to give you back your seat.
You pat her head.

You could still notice the others giving you glances from time to time, but you ignored them.


As you did your task of scanning for other ships, enemies, asteroids that could potentially endanger the ship or chaos emeralds.

The ring bracelet began to burn and glow again.
Just like this morning.
It got to the point of it actually hurting you.
It felt like needles poking you in the wrist.

A Chaotic Love | Shadow x reader | [Completed?]Where stories live. Discover now