Chapter 40: The Cosmo Conspiracy

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You were at the bridge helping Tails and Chris with some repairs.

You held in a yawn.
"Tails? Would it be okay if I went to bed for the night? I'm quite tired"

"Sure! It's okay me and Chris can take care of it, right Chris?"

Chris gave him a nod and a thumps up.

You sighed "thanks, I'll make it up to you later" You yawned again but this time you didn't hold it in.

"Good night guys. Don't over work yourselves!" You said as you left.

You heard a distant "Good night" form them.


You walked through the hallway.
You swore heard someone walking behind you.

You stopped... it stopped.
You spun around in a circle, looking around.

It must've been just you hearing double. You must be really tired.
You yawned again.

Once you arrived in your room, you immediately layed down.
You didn't even bother to put the cover over you and just layed there, slowly closing your eyes.


Out of nowhere, the ships alarm started beeping.
Waking you up instantly.
You looked at the digital clock above your bed.

It wasn't even 20 minutes

"Red alert! Red alert! We have an intruder on board the ship" Tails announced.

You jumped out of bed so quickly your vision got a bit cloudy.

You shook your head a bit and ran out of your room.


You opened your communicator.

"Cream? What's going on?" You asked.

"Sonic and Chris got hurt while fighting Shadow. They'll be okay but it'll take time for them to recover"

"What? Why were they fighting?" Knuckles asked through the communicator as well.

"It's really confusing. For some reason Shadow was trying to attack Cosmo" Cream explained.

"So he is our enemy" Knuckles growled.

"Don't even think about going after Shadow right now. Especially you (y/n)" Amy warned.

"What's that? Can't hear you bye!" You shut off your communicator.

Attempting to hurt Cosmo?

What was he doing?
Was he really planning to hurt Cosmo?

No that's ridiculous.
It must've been a misunderstanding


You were always running into dead ends.

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