7: Breaking Point

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Damon pulled his hands back and stared at me "that's the story?" He asks quietly and I nod wiping away a couple of tears "my parents were gonna kill me and we made sure they changed their mind" I choked out and he surprisingly hugged me

And I hugged back "I'm sorry" he whispered and I sniffled "its okay I fixed it" I say pulling back "what do you mean you fixed it?" He asks whilst I wiped away the last bit of tears "I did everything they asked of me, I never disobeyed them not once"

I say and his eyes turn to ones of pity "don't feel bad for me just promise me you won't tell anyone" I say and he nods "I promise" he says and I get up "did you get Kai?" I ask and he gets up after me "yea we got him" he says and I look at him "good" I mumble before walking out the door

He follows me "where are you going?" He asks and I shrug "I don't know probably back to my dorm room with Liv" I say and he gets his keys closing the door behind us "you want a ride?" He asks and I nod "I'd love one" I respond before we get in his car.

Once we get there he stops the car and I look outside to the dormitories and then back at him "maybe you could take me to my house instead?" I ask and he nods "sure where to?" He asks and I sigh heavily "Portland" I say and he nods turning on the car and driving off.


Once we got there I got out thanking damon before he gave me his number "when you're ready to come back call me" he said then drove off I stuffed the piece of paper in my pocket before making my way up the steps of my childhood home and knocking.

The door opened shortly after to reveal my mom smiling at me "Delilah!" She says happily and I hug her "mom" I say and she pulls back "well c'mon in sweetie we were just about to eat dinner, your lucky I made extra" she says pulling me inside and leading me to the kitchen where dad was sitting about to eat

"Well if it isn't my little Delilah!" He says getting up and hugging me as mom goes to set and extra plate "c'mon sit down honey we missed you" he says pulling the chair out for me "thank you dad" I say sitting down "I missed you guys too" I say as we start eating

"Is that why you visited? You were feeling homesick?" My mom asks and I nod "something like that" I say and we continue eating


After dinner I washed the dishes as they set up a movie for us to watch "what movie is it?" I ask and they smile at me "you'll see" my dad says as we all sit together on the couch. Toy Story three started playing and I bounced up and down slightly "I love this movie!" I scream slightly and they laugh

"We know sweetie" my mom says as I settle down and we watch the movie. once the movie was over I walked up stairs into my room everything was still exactly the same and I laid down falling asleep quickly. Once I woke up I walked downstairs and found mom cutting up some strawberries.

"Are you making strawberry pancakes!" I squeal and she nods "I know they're your favorite" she says and I walk up to her hugging her then pulling back "how can I help?" I say and she hands me the knife "cut the strawberries while I mix the batter" she says and I nod

"Yes ma'am" I say and I start cutting the strawberries "so mom I really wanted to talk to you about something" I say and she just hums in response "I've been keeping a secret and I just.. you do love me right mom?" I say and she looks at me "what's this about Delilah?"

She asks crossing her arms "mom I don't actually have magic" I mumble and her eyes widen "what?" She says backing away slightly "mom I don't have magic of my own I've always used Liv's" I say and she pins me to the wall with her magic

"Your just like Malachi!" She screams and tears start to well up in my eyes "mom! I'm not like him! I've always done what you asked of me I was the best I could be just for you and dad!" I cry out and she shakes her head "I should've known" she muttered taking the knife I was using to cut the strawberries.

"Mom no please no!" I start to cry as she lifts up the knife "your and abomination!" she yells and stabs my stomach "AHHH!" I cry out in pain as she pulls the knife out and stabs it back in. Her focus slightly faltering causing my arm to fall freely

I waste no time holding her wrist sucking her magic as she screams and let's go of the knife in my stomach as I fall down sense she can't hold me against the wall anymore. "I should've known better then to think you ever loved me"

I say before draining her dry and taking the knife out of me and stabbing it in her neck making her fall down gushing out in blood. My tears stop falling down and I chuckle slightly "that's for controlling every moment in my life" I say then lift my foot and kick the knife further down her throat

"That's for making me go to school to become the lawyer you always wanted to be" I say bending down and taking the knife back out of her neck and opening the glass door leading out to the garden staining it with her blood that was now on my hands. I walk out into the garden and see dad working on the flowers

"Dad" I say sweetly "yes pumpkin?" He answers not turning around "what would you have done if you had a kid that was like Malachi?" I asked and he sighed "I would've sent them to the prison world with him it's what abominations deserve" he says and I shake my head

"That's what I thought" I say and he turns to see my bloody hands holding a bloody knife and how my stomach was stabbed "what happened-" he started but before he could finish I held up my hand and used my moms magic to crush his heart from the inside and he fell down coughing up blood

"Whoops" I laugh as I take the knife and stab it down on him "I didn't mean to upset you dad" I say between chuckles I skip my way back inside and see my moms bloody body on the floor I shrug and take one of the strawberries with my bloody fingers putting it between my teeth before eating it.

"Who knew strawberries and blood were a good mix" I say before taking the phone and clicking the numbers on the piece of paper that damon had given me the phone now stained with blood and I pressed it against my ear

"Hey Damon I need a ride back home" I say and he agreed once I hung up I washed my hands and said "sena me ego numquam nocui" its a healing spell I looked down at my wound to see it was gone and knowing it would take damon a while to get here I dragged my parents bodies outside pouring gasoline all over them

"Phasmatos Incendia" I say and they go up in flames as I go back inside and clean the house. Once I was done I went to take a shower. And I put on some fresh clothes and right when I was done I heard damon pull up into the drive way.

I check out side to see nothing but ashes and singed grass then I walked out the door and into Damon's car "how did it go?" He asks and I shrug "It was alright" and he starts driving back to mystic falls. "I decided not to go to college anymore" I said and he looked at me then back at the road

"Why not? I thought it was your mothers dream for you to go to college and be a lawyer" he said and I sighed looking out the window "yea well we sorted things out" I say and he pats my shoulder "good for you" he says and I smile at him "thank you Damon"

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