15: Explanations

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I felt someone shake my shoulder a little harsh I might add as I opened my eyes I saw an angry looking Kai holding my phone and sitting besides me on my bed, I hardly remember falling asleep but I guess I did. I sat up scratching my head and stretching "what's up?" I ask knowing Kai wants to talk about something and it obviously won't be fun

"Who's Josh?" He asks his voice strained like he was trying to keep himself form yelling and my eyes widen "he's um that old friend I told you about yesterday" I lied swallowing hard "your lying" he mutters in between gritted teeth "no Kai I'm not and what are you doing with my phone" I say reaching out to try and steal it back

But Kai pulled it away from me
And out of my grasp "you were getting a hole bunch of texts and the ringing woke me up so I went to put your phone on silent and when I did I saw some guy texting you this" he says holding up my phone lock screen in my face I take the phone in my hand reading the multiple texts

Josh L.:

Why aren't you staying with Liv?

Josh L.:

You're not in college anymore? Sense when?

Josh L.:

Did you know your parents are dead?

Josh L.:

Lila Liv could really use a friend right now you mind coming over to help and maybe idk answering my texts?

Josh L.:

Your with Kai? As in the Kai who tried to destroy the coven? Are you crazy!? Did you really miss me so much that you were that desperate for company??

I guess it wouldn't have been so bad that Kai read these if it wasn't for that last one... ugh that's the one thing I hated about Josh he always found a way to make it about him. I didn't miss him at all if anything I was getting kinda bored of him. Then I moved we broke up and I met Kai I haven't given Josh two seconds of my time at all. Not to be mean but seriously it's not always about him

"Are you gonna say anything or just sit there?" Kai's harsh tone snapped me out of my thoughts "Kai, I know this looks bad but I can explain" I say calmly and he clenches his fists "fine explain" he says "Josh is my ex boyfriend we broke up when I got into college and I guess he thinks I still like him or something but I haven't really talked to him sense we broke up"

I said studying Kai's expression as it softens "so he's just hung up on you?" He asks and I nod "and you didn't tell him about us?" He asks and my brows furrow in confusion "why would I? My life is no one else's business but my own so why would I want to tell him about us?" I asked and he shrugged "I don't know maybe so he won't be thinking you still like him!"

His voice raises again "what did you want me to tell him oh Josh by the way I'm dating Malachi Parker you know the one the entire coven hates" I said staring at him incredulously "it's not something that comes up in every day conversation Kai and even if I did all he would do is drag me back to Portland" I added still looking at him waiting for him to say something but all he did was huff

His expression still said pissed beyond belief as he stood up and walked out the door of my room I followed after him "Kai where are you going?" I ask as he grabs his jacket from the sofa and opens the front door "Going to kill a guy named Josh" he seethes and my eyes widen I race over to his side and grab his hand making stop and look at me "Kai" I say in a warning tone

"What Lila? Are you gonna tell me not to kill some random guy who thinks he can take you from me? Because if you are don't waste your breath" he states looking deep in my eyes "he can't take me you don't have to kill anyone" I whisper cupping his cheek and running circles on it with my thumb he let's out a deep breath intertwining our fingers "sorry for yelling" he mutters leaning his forehead on mine

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