10: Merge.... Sorta

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Kai had Jo's arm in his hand dragging her far enough from everyone else and the hospital with me following closely behind I have no idea what I'm thinking helping Kai is the wrong thing to do definitely but I can't help the people who don't give a shit if I die or not and honestly they threatened me first so it would just be wrong not to retaliate

Kai shoves Jo forward and she almost trips "mind keeping an eye out" he says to me and I force a small smile "I guess not" I swallow hard before standing in front of Jo making sure none of those idiots walk up and try something stupid "look at those pretty planets, all twinkly and bright, oh Jossette you would not believe how sick I am of eclipses"

Kai says making his way towards her "let's just get this over with" Jo says and Kai smiles like a kid in a candy store taking out a knife and slicing his hand "you know if you think I didn't spend the last 18 years in solitary thinking about how you screwed me over lasts time, your wrong... so if this is just another set up

I'll rip out something more important than a spleen, a tongue or a heart" he says and Jo tenses up slightly taking a deep breath "so any closing remarks?" He adds god they definitely have some issues "your a parasite, you killed the people I loved you shoved a hunting knife in my gut you destroyed my life now I'm gonna destroy yours"

She says shocking me a bit sense I definitely expected her to sound more scared "oh and Lila I expected more from you" she says and I scoff "doesn't everyone" I say and she holds her hand out Kai takes it cutting it with the knife "I guess we'll see won't we" Kai whispers as she hisses at the pain before they hold hands Jo starts to chant before Kai joins in

I see Luke walking up and he makes Jo stop and fall unconscious on the ground before I race over to him holding his wrist and taking some of his magic making him scream "Lila! What are you doing!" He screams in pain at me and I murmur "sorry Luke" before he lifts his hand and makes me fall on the floor not yet unconscious but very close

I couldn't find the strength to move just to watch as Luke approached Kai "what the hell did you just do" I watched Kai semi scream "oh I just gave my big sister and Lila a little magic knock on the head but don't worry they'll be fine because you're gonna merge with me" as soon as he said that I found my voice "Luke step away from the psycho"

I manage to utter weakly as Kai smiles at him trying to hold back a laugh "you can't call me that anymore remember?" He smirks at me and my eyes widen "the things you hear while your passed out on a gurney" he says pointing to his ear and I try to stand up failing Luke looks at me then back at Kai "I'll ask about that later" Luke mumbles Kai starts to laugh in his face

Luke what are you thinking!

Kai places his hands on the sides of Luke's face still laughing as Luke slaps them away angrily and Kai holds his hands up backing away in a mocking surrender "you wanna merge with me I hate to break it to you little brother but we're not twins alright that's not how this is supposed to work" Kai says looking over at me for a split second then back at Luke

"That's true but we share the same parents the same bloodline and thanks to your time out in the magic penalty box were the same age so it is definitely a Hail Mary and maybe it won't work, but I'd do anything to save my sisters life so.." he says taking out a knife and cutting his palm "we're going to give it the old college try" Luke finishes tossing the knife aside and extending his hand to Kai

"Thanks but I'm gonna pass" Kai says walking back slowly before Luke uses a spell drag him back towards him he grabs his chin forcing him to look him in the eye "what's wrong? You scared to play chicken with someone that might actually beat you?" Luke mocks as Kai shoves his hand down "fine, it's your funeral" Kai says taking Luke's bloody hand as he does the same

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