but you'll be back for new years?

yes but i wanted to spend christmas with my boYFRIEND

consider me sad

zach i miss you

and your dick😔

y'all were so close to being wholesome.

i miss you too </3

bruh i'm SAD someone come drink with me

wait none of you are here😁

oh my fucking god jonah i blame you


yea ok i'll take that one

girl what eveR i'll drink by myself 🤸

zach ft me and i'll drink with you <3

no mister 'i got stuck in a snow storm and scared my entire family but most importantly my boyfriend half to death'

you need to get into the bath tub before i ban sex for a month <3


zach, i will drink with you <3

i'm sorry you got stuck in a snow storm? tf😭😭

yes i did eben and it was very unpleasant

you know what else will be unpleasant?

my boyfriend giving me blue balls so if you'll excUse me

daniel let his body sink under the water, stopping at his shoulders and let the heat surround him. he was sure corbyn went downstairs to get something to drink so for now, he just let the water relax his muscles.

he took a hold of his phone, thumbing through his emails. he saw an email from UPS, saying they delivered his package. which happened to be corbyn's gift.

which just so happened to have the price on it.


heyyyy anna banana 😁

what do you needed

corbyn's gift got delivered and it should be outside, can you just get it and bring it to your room?

o you mean the 8000 dollar ring you got him? yes i can do that

heY it was on sale

only 2000<3

anna didn't respond, so he assumed she was getting the gift. corbyn would in fact throw a fit if he ever figured out the original price, but he made it very clear to the older boy that he'd be spoiling him until the day he dies.

"dani! baby! say hi to zach!"

corbyn ran into the bathroom, a drink in his right hand, his phone in his left. daniel took corbyn's phone out of his hand, and waved at zach. "hey z."

"so you almost died?"

daniel laughed, sitting up. "no. i was just in a snowstorm. i'm fine. are you fine?"

"nope. i miss my boyfriend." he pouted, taking a swig of something he couldn't pronounce.

"well he'll be back in like, 9 days. it'll be fine buddy."

zach gasped at him. "says you! you have your boyfriend with you all day and night and i just got him and now he's gone again, and he's gonna post cute pictures with him and lav so i'll be even more of an emotional mess than i already am!"

"maybe you should fly to hawai'i."

"i would but my mom wants me home for christmas. you know what, it's fine. i'm fine, i have alcohol to cope."

"i.. don't think that's a very healthy coping mechanism, zachy."

"whatever." he groaned, flopping on his back. "are you guys for real coming out on christmas?"

"mhm. but i think everyone put two and two together by now." he said, leaning back against the tub while corbyn got in with him, resting his back against his front.

the screen flashed and said zach took a screenshot.

"i will be posting that when you guys come out."


today was so boring, anD it was one of those days where i didn't leave my room and worried my entire family 😚❤️

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