𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 17

Start from the beginning

And he sees it in their stilted conversations, far and few between, but enough.

"You look just like her."

"Yes, but you were her baby and she adored you."

And Iwaizumi thinks of how much Oikawa has grown, how he carries his grief on the shoulders of a man and no longer that of a petulant child. And for the first time, maybe, he sees the face of a King and not a Prince in his commanding brown gaze.

Oikawa is strong in all these moments. Strong as he organizes the funeral single handedly, strong as he smiles for his guests, strong as he keeps his cool. Strong as he stays in complete control of himself. And strong as he speaks with the servants, the only one to acknowledge their grief too. It is a point in his favor, building the love and affection the workers have for the charming prince who takes the time to know them as people.

Iwaizumi knows Oikawa, however, and knows this strength does not come without weakness. Does not come without exhaustion, and can only imagine the sorrow that fills the Prince's heart once doors are closed. And he longs to alleviate him from his lonely battle, but there is never an opening. Never a moment for Iwaizumi to slip into his chambers for the evening. There is simply too much to do.

The King keeps to himself throughout this. He does not leave his room for hours at a time. His sons visit him and then go about with their duties assigned.

Iwaizumi sees him only at the funeral itself, presiding over it with a silent vacant stare. The Lords and Ladies have their heads bowed throughout. The servants keep their weeping quiet. Prince Tobio fights through his speech and his tears, his words more barks than anything. When he returns to his spot beside his brother and the other neighboring royals, Prince Shouyou tugs his hand. Prince Tobio grips it tightly in turn.

When Oikawa takes his turn on the stage, he smiles, and the world seems softer around the edges. His speech is simple, but his words drip love and adoration for his late mother that rumble through the hearts of the crowd. But even this takes its toll, as tears slip from his eyes as he speaks, voice wavering with emotion as he ends. It is enough to make Iwaizumi cry, wiping at his face with his sleeve.

There are claps and sniffles as Oikawa steps back into his spot beside his brother and fiancé. Prince Wakatoshi wraps a hand around his shoulder, the motion natural and familiar. Oikawa does not fight it, in fact, he turns his face into the foreign Prince's shoulder, wrapping an arm around the other's waist. It is a moment that makes Iwaizumi's stomach drop in shock, makes his eyes tear away as if they had been staring at the sun. Makes his hands sweat at his side and his feet itch to leave.

The Lords and Ladies take their turns offering their own words for the fallen Queen. And at Oikawa's prompting, a few servants summon the courage to speak. Iwaizumi thinks of doing the same, but he has never been good with words, has never felt sure of himself in that realm, and so he remains rooted to the spot.

After the funeral itself, the nobles retire to the entertainment rooms. Iwaizumi is quick to take some serving trays to enter one. He offers orderves to the higher class, recognizing a few faces. Lord Takahiro offers him a sad smile when he takes one of the offered treats from him, "Long time no see."

Iwaizumi gives his own half smile, nodding his head, "It's good to see you, sir."

Lord Takahiro lets out a breath through his nose, "Matsukawa is here too, somewhere. We should have a little reunion some time. It's been a while."

"I'm sure it would lift the Prince's mood to spend time with you," Iwaizumi agrees.

Green eyes flick around the room to find the Prince in question, spotting him seated beside his fiancé. Prince Wakatoshi sips at his wine, leaning back in the sofa comfortably, arms spread out on the back. Oikawa sits with his thighs press against his, leaning forward, conversing with one of the Ladies.

Iwaizumi longs to hear the conversation.


Iwaizumi swirls around toward Prince Tobio, who beckons him to his corner. The Prince looks furious, color clinging to his cheeks, "Do you know where Kindaichi is?" he glowers.

Iwaizumi shakes his head, "What's wrong, sire?"

"That idiot spilled his wine all over my shirt!" He hisses and Iwaizumi's gaze flicks downward to a sheepishly grinning redhead. He bows to the foreign prince.

"Would you like me to help you change?"

Prince Tobio huffs, "No, I'll just do it myself," he grumbles, slipping out of the room. Prince Shouyou follows after him not so subtly, promising to help in someway to atone for his mistakes.

When Iwaizumi turns back around Oikawa is looking at him. His eyes hold a message that had once been so familiar to him, I'm exhausted, I need you to get me out of here soon.

Iwaizumi makes his way over, "I'm sorry to interrupt," he murmurs, bowing, "Prince Tooru, I was just speaking with Prince Tobio and he would like to speak with you upstairs."

Oikawa lets out a sigh, "Excuse me, my dears, it has been wonderful speaking with you all but my brotherly duties call. I hope to bless you with my presence soon enough," he calls, giving an excessive bow to a round of excited giggles. He slips away then, and Iwaizumi makes to follow him.


He turns again, tray extending out automatically. Ushijima has stood up from his perch on the sofa and at full height he towers over the servant boy. It surprises Iwaizumi, for a moment. The last time he had met the man they had been roughly the same size.

"Yes, Your Highness," Iwaizumi coughs out quickly, bowing his head.

"I have been meaning to speak with you for a while, do you have a moment?"

Iwaizumi had been hoping to take this time to be with Oikawa, but he doesn't know how to deny one of the most powerful people in the world. So instead he nods, following the man to a secluded corner.

"I am honored you remember me," Iwaizumi comments, placing his tray down on the nearby side table.

"Tooru talks of you often," Ushijima supplies easily, "I will not keep you from your work for long. How did you enjoy the book?"

Iwaizumi blinks, "The book?"

Ushijima frowns, "On thunderflies?"

Iwaizumi furrows his brows, "I don't know what you're talking about." He replies, and then, self consciously adds, "Sire."

Ushijima looks puzzled, "Did Tooru not pass it to you?"

"I am afraid not."

"That is a shame," Ushijima murmurs, "Well, I will be sure to hand it to you myself next time. I don't know if you recall our last meeting during Tooru's debut, but you expressed an interest in thunderflies, so I had given Tooru a book to lend to you on the subject."

"Oh," Iwaizumi says, a conflicting pool of emotion swirling in his stomach, "Thank you."

Ushijima waves him off, "Do not thank me for a book you never received. I will be sure to send it to you. Anyway, that is all. I will leave you to your duties." The royal nods, turning away to rejoin the party.

Iwaizumi finds Oikawa upstairs, sitting on his bed, "Isn't it terrible," he sighs when Iwaizumi recounts this encounter to him, "I want to hate him, and I do hate him usually, but he can be so decent most of the time." He lies down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, "It pains me to say this but Prince Wakatoshi Ushijima is a good person at heart, and will no doubt be a great King, if a bit infuriatingly blunt at times."

"How are you doing?" Iwaizumi asks, softly, fingers finding themselves combing through brown hair.

"Better than I expected," Oikawa hums, "I just want today to end."

Iwaizumi nods, fingers tracing his horns. Oikawa reaches up, fingers running along Iwaizumi's arm until he grips him. He whispers, softly, "I miss her. I miss her so much."

Iwaizumi holds his hand.

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