The sweet boy in question turns around immediately, stiffly, "Yes, sir?"

The guard comes trotting over, "The King has called for you to start your duties tonight."

"Tonight?" Iwaizumi repeats, feeling sweat slick his palms, making his grip on the sheet in his hands tenuous as best, "I still have weeks of training."

"Orders from the King." The guard repeats. The maid takes the sheet from his small hands and Iwaizumi can feel her hand squeeze his arm. It doesn't comfort him. The guard continues as he comes closer, "Your training will continue, do not worry. Now hurry, you need to be bathed."

Iwaizumi is passed to the next butler he and the guard come across. The guard whispers instruction to the man's ear who nods and takes Iwaizumi's forearm in hand to drag him back inside from the castle grounds. Iwaizumi much prefers the grounds to the interior castle. He had dedicated his minimal downtime the past few days to exploring it in detail. He had barely scratched the surface.

There was an orchard on the grounds, myriads of flowers and courts. To the west he could see a beautiful forest he was antsy to run through, but the tall imperial gate surrounded the grounds and barred him from leaving without certain permission. One day, he promises himself.

Inside the castle is loud and hectic. Servants run back and forth from rooms in mild panic. Actually, much more panic than usual, Iwaizumi thinks, as he presses himself against the butler attached to him to get out of the way of a running maid.

"What's going on?" He asks.

The butler gives him a glance, bites his lip and tugs him up the stairs. It's quieter here, as they get closer to the servants quarters, with all of them being out and about. He's shoved into the bathroom and the butler closes the door behind him.

"Hurry now, undress. One of the maids should have drawn you a bucket already." The butler hisses, hurrying over to confirm the action.

Iwaizumi slips off his hand me down slip. He had already had a thorough bathing when he first arrived. Years of grime had been scrubbed off him. His dark skin lightened somewhat and his hair felt smooth running through his fingers.

There was less dirty this time to scrub off himself, but there also seemed much less time.

"Now listen," The butler begins, helping the boy clean his back, "You asked what's going on correct? Well, I feel, perhaps its best you know so you're ready tonight." Iwaizumi stares at him, "His Majesty and the Prince had a disagreement. It's best not to talk about it. They're both in a foul mood now. His Majesty believes an attendant can keep the Prince calm and quiet his tantrums. Anyway, I know it's sudden, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Just be aware not to step on the Prince's toes. He's already very upset."

"Is this what happened to the other attendants?" Iwaizumi can not help but ask, quietly, into his bare knees.

The butler seems to stiffen, his scrubbing motions falling still. He lets out a sigh, "No one knows what happened to them." He confesses, "The Prince is always torn up about it but you can't help thinking..." The butler seems to catch himself, fingers digging into the block of soap. He swallows, "Just, be careful and be smart tonight. Now hurry and dry yourself, the tailor has finished your uniform just in time."

Iwaizumi dries off quickly, passing into the neighboring room where his uniform has been laid out. He slips on the pale blue leggings first, easily. He looks at the rest of the uniform, a simple white tunic, but the nicest thing he's ever worn. He is immediately terrified to stain it. Why must white be one of the kingdom's official colors? The tunic falls to his knees, a bit big but not enough to warrant the effort to change. A corded light blue sash ties along his waist.

And All the Prince's Men (haikyu)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя