A Long Walk

248 20 16

(Chapter 14, funny number

Ok bye-)


TW/ Blood

Mega's POV

"Wake up!" I jumped up, quickly looking around. My eyes landed on Zak, who had a small smirk on his face. I glared at him, grabbing the pillow up that I had thrown in my panic. "Oh, come on, it's funny. We have 15 minutes till we leave anyways." Zak walked towards the kitchen. I looked after him, noticing Harvey and Darryl were already in the kitchen. I guess they had let me sleep in.

I looked out the window near the couch. The sun was still rising, the sky glowing a beautiful pink and orange color. Some clouds were visible in the sky, floating along with the wind. I smiled. Not a view you could get from the castle, that's for sure. I don't think I'll ever doubt my choices of leaving.

I fixed Harvey's couch, listening to Darryl's annoyed voice from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and started walking over. Might as well make sure Zak and Darryl don't bite each other's heads off. They really can't get along, ever. Darryl was just this nice, innocent guy and Zak was... special. Eh, hopefully I can convince them to get along soon.

"If we go this way, it'll be faster!" Darryl yelled as I walked into the kitchen. Zak and Darryl were glaring at each other, looking like they could choke each other at any second. Harvey sat between them, eyes wide as he looked back and forth between the two boys. When he noticed me, he seemed to be silently begging me to help him. Funny how the guy who can't talk is forced to control two idiots from destroying each other and witnesses.

I pushed myself into the small gap between them. They both stumbled backwards, surprised that I had suddenly appeared. I glared at both of them. Zak rolled his eyes and Darryl huffed. See, I don't need words, I have the face of an actor.

"Ok, now that I can speak," Harvey stood up, taking the map from Darryl's hands. "the actual fastest way to get to Vurb is down these streets. It's 5 miles, but unless someone knows how to fly us all there, it's our best shot." We all looked at the map. 5 miles, a long walk, but like Harvey said, it was our only chance.

"Ok, does everyone have their gear?" Darryl asked, looking at all of us. I nodded. I mean, what would I bring? Zak pulled out his sword and so did Harvey. They grinned at each other. I rolled my eyes. What kind of danger could someone get into when going for a walk in a castle's village?

An hour later, and I was already tired of this. Not the walking part, the Zak and Darryl part.

"Having a sword out in the middle of a village is not a smart idea, Skeppy!" Darryl hissed at Zak. Harvey walked beside me, sighing. We probably shared the same thoughts. The 'Please-let-this-be-over-soon' thoughts.

"What's going to happen, Bad? Isn't it a good thing? People won't try to take advantage of us if they see we have weapons!" Zak swung his sword around, inches away from Darryl's arm. He jumped away, rubbing his hand against his arm.

"Yea, but the guards aren't going to be scared of us! You are just drawing attention to us!" Darryl argued back. Zak sighed, letting the sword fall into his sheath. 

"You are no fun." Zak mumbled, kicking some of the stones that laid on the path. 

I think Darryl started to argue again, but my attention turned away from them when I noticed movement in the bushes nearby. I stopped, staring at the bushes. I looked ahead, noticing that no one had stopped with me. Darryl and Zak were still fighting and Harvey was just following behind. Funny how my hearing is 20 times better then theirs.

I snapped my fingers, not knowing how else to get their attention. I looked back at them, noticing Zak had turned around and was walking towards me. Then he started to run right at me, his eyes wide. I felt something hit me and I barely caught my body from hitting the earth below us.

I looked up and Zak was above me. So was another masked figure. Zak had his sword against the masked figure's sword. I was suddenly pulled to my feet, being dragged away. I looked up, relaxing when I saw it was Darryl. 

I nearly jumped when I heard a thud. I looked back over to Zak and now he was the one on the ground, the hooded figure above him. Then, Harvey ran in, pushing the hooded figure off of Zak. Zak rolled onto his side, holding his left hand. Harvey pulled his sword out and pointed it at the hooded figure's neck.

"Leave us the hell alone." Harvey's gentle voice was gone, replaced with a cutting edge, angry growl. The hooded figure picked up their sword and took off, disappearing into the trees. Darryl let out a breath and released me, letting me stand on my own.

I brushed dirt off my arms. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Zak still on the ground. I approached slowly, looking over him. His eyes were closed but he was obviously awake. He clenched onto his wrist, but I could see the red blood coming out from between his fingers.

"Skeppy! Where did they get you?" Darryl was at my side at once, pulling his bag over his head. Some bandages spilled out. Thankfully Darryl always thought about our safety. Otherwise, this would be a painful walk for Zak.

"Left wrist." Zak mumbled out. Harvey was now by us, concern in his eyes as well. He picked up Zak's sword, the handle covered with some blood as well.

"They got you good, huh?" Harvey wipe the handle off and put it in his second slot in his scabbard. Zak nodded. 

"Mega, help hold him up. He already lost a lot of blood." I nodded and braced Zak's back against me. We all watched as Darryl took Zak's wrist and put a cloth on it. He flinched and almost pulled away from Darryl. "It's ok, I just need to remove some of the blood." Darryl threw the cloth aside and started wrapping his wrist.

Harvey stayed on Zak's other side, letting Zak grab onto him with his good hand. He grunted a few times, but otherwise was completely silent. Darryl grabbed some medical tape from his bag and taped the bandages to themselves.

"Ok, it's wrapped. I would still hold right below it so the blood flow isn't so strong." Darryl let go of Zak's hand. Zak sat up, taking his weight off of me. Harvey offered me his hand and I took it. Darryl helped Zak up. 

"Thanks, Bad. Thanks for saving my ass as well Harvey." Zak turned and smiled at Harvey.

"I couldn't let you get destroyed on our first battle." Zak rolled his eyes at Harvey's statement. 

"Well, let's keep going. Maybe your friends have more bandages to replace yours." Darryl picked up his trash, tossing it into his bag. We walked on, instead this time,

we seemed more like a team than two duos.


(1216 Words)

Ahhhhh sorry I haven't updated in a while! But thanks for almost 1K reads and thanks for reading :D

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