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Tommy's POV

I looked around, admiring the houses we walked past. Wilbur and Tubbo seemed more focused on the people, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't look at the houses! I mean, sure the people could be outside doing something wrong, but what happens if it was happening inside? Don't worry, I'm always here to catch it. Even if I haven't caught anything quite yet.

"Wilbur?" Tubbo asked from behind me. Wilbur glanced back at the both of us. "What do you think about the sword situation?"

"I don't know Tubbo. Even if those two people were the best in the entire kingdom, and I mean excluding King Dream and King Techno, they would need the best gear. Plus, we out number them by a long shot." Wilbur turned his head back around and kept scanning the area. I looked back at Tubbo. He had a worried expression on his face.

"So you aren't worried?" Tubbo asked, his voice still a little shaky. Wilbur stopped and turned around. He smiled softly at both of us.

"We don't need to be worried. Neither of you should be worried. The kings have it under control." I gave a shaky smile. Like Tubbo, I was also sort of worried about these guys. I mean, sure people have tried to take over before, but something felt off during the meeting yesterday. Maybe it was the focus Techno put on the sword, or maybe it was because Mega and Darryl left quite suddenly. I mean, George did ask the kings if they should go spread the news, but they didn't even if give us the castle status report.

I mean, everything had to be fine. If Wilbur wasn't stressed, I wouldn't be either.


Darryl's POV

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight." I held my hands up. Mega stopped moving his hands, waiting for me to talk. "You want us to sneak out tonight and meet this Skeppy guy, right after we just got the command to tell all the guards to be on high alert?" Mega nodded. He really didn't see the problem here, did he?

'We bring all of our stuff, or what we can carry, and we go with him. Come on Darryl, he really just wants to help the kingdom.' Mega signed quickly, cutting me off.

"That's not the issue here. I understand and I really believe that you have the right idea, but the wrong plan. We can't go sneaking off right after that meeting! Especially since every guard will be out there!" I shook my head, sighing a little. Mega shrugged.

'We just need to be quiet. You can talk through sign language and everything will be okay.' I groaned, rubbing my hands on my face. 

From what Mega told me, this Skeppy guy wasn't someone trying to take over the kingdom to benefit himself. He was doing it for the people. He didn't want everyone to live in fear, and honestly, I hadn't looked at it in that way. I thought everyone did something bad to be punished, but maybe I was being lied to. Mega never really shared his thoughts, he was more reserved, but he seemed to agree with Skeppy.

Now, did I think three people would be able to defeat an entire castle full of guards, plus the best two swordsman? No, not at all. It was a foolish dream to me, but I guess trying is better sitting here, waiting for something to happen.

"I... ok. Fine. We will do it. Only because I know that if I say no, you're going to sneak out and do it anyways." Mega smiled, giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes, smiling a little bit. I couldn't allow Mega to go alone, I wanted to be by his side no matter what.

So the time eventually came.

It was around 23:30, almost the next day. I had two sacks, one filled with clothes for both me and Mega, and one filled with a dagger and my bow. I didn't think Skeppy would have more swords, especially since he just lost his sword, so I grabbed a dagger for Mega. Who knows what kinds of dangers were going to be out there?

"Ok, ready?" I asked Mega. He nodded, standing up from his bed. We were both wearing black. I even convinced Mega to switch his normally green scarf for a black one. I still had it, it was the first thing I had packed, but Mega didn't like separating from it. He was comforted from it, which I respected, but bright green would get us caught. Not saying Skeppy's blue, box head wouldn't, but might as well eliminate some of the color.

'Let's go.' Mega signed, then he opened the door. I waited for him to go through, but he stood there, staring at me. I slowly stepped forwards, not used to him holding the door open. Maybe he was being polite because he was surprised that I actually was coming along. Mega was confusing.

We walked down the hallway, our steps quiet. It was late, no one was up except the guards. Still, waking someone up would not be ideal.

I opened the door to the garden, letting Mega go first. He glanced around, then signaled me to come out. We walked to our hole in the wall, moving the vines out of the way. Mega went first and waited on the other side. I pushed the bags through first, making Mega had them before I let go. Then I crawled through. It was a little tight for me, but it wasn't too bad.

Once I made it to the other side, Mega helped me up then handed me the bags. I swung them over my shoulders then looked up at the big wall. Definitely more guards. Luckily, their attention wasn't on this side of the wall, so me and Mega easily slipped over. We felt for our hole. Mega nearly fell through, only catching himself with the tips of his fingers.

We looked at each other, then Mega went through. I took a shaky breath and turned to look back at the castle. The place I called home for so many years. And here I was, about to betray everyone in there. It was for a good cause... maybe they wouldn't understand. I'm not sure I fully understand, but I have to try. For the people.

I went through the hole, meeting Mega on the other side. Now, we were in the danger zone. If any guards saw us, they would call it out and immediately attack us with their bows. I'm not really in the mood to be shoot down currently, so we had to sneak around their lines of sight. That would've been much easier two days ago, when this whole Skeppy deal wasn't even known of.

Mega grabbed my arm and started dragging me over to a big, long line of bushes. He started signing,

'Jump in here and then we crawl to the end.' 

'Are you crazy? We will get seen.' I signed back, shaking my head while doing so.

'Trust me.' And without saying anything else, he jumped in. I looked at the top of the walls, but no guard seemed to notice his movement. So I followed him, crawling quickly.

I reached the end of the bushes and peeked my head out. Mega wasn't there. No one was. It was like he disappeared.

I stood up, looking around. I turned back towards the castle wall, letting out a breath when I saw how far we were from the wall.

As I turned around, someone grabbed my collar. They pushed me into a tree and, even in the dark, I could see the glint of a sword. It was next to my throat. With their free hand, they put a cloth over my mouth, making it so I couldn't talk.

"Now, who are you?"


(1319 Words)

Sorry for the slow update and short chapter! A new chapter will be up shortly!

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