Family and Friends

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Before jumping into this chapter, I noticed something a lot of you have been doing while reading. Thanks to my friend Kay (ello Kay), I wanted to point out some major points about this story and some things to think about!

-Do not trust everything each character says. Phil has not been around for two years. Tubbo thinks he was on a scout with Phil and Wilbur a year ago. Remember, each character has their own mental issues, so they see each situation differently.

-Italicized moments are flashbacks.

-The blackjack triggered a flashback for Skeppy to when Sam was killed with one. That's why he suddenly backed down, leaving Mega to fight on his own.

-Tommy loves approval. When Techno praised Tommy for what he did to Mega, Tommy thought it was okay. He doesn't understand how traumatizing it was to Tubbo.

-Wilbur didn't try to stop Harvey, Vurb, or Finn from leaving for the same reason he let Skeppy go help Mega. He felt bad about his past, not just from the incident with Sam, but also one more thing that is yet to be found out.

-Techno could've killed Skeppy when Mega died. So why didn't he?

Anyways enjoy! There are some other things, but they are irrelevant for now.


Dream's POV

TW: Mentions of death, trauma, 

I sighed, leaning my head against my door. A break from Ranboo and Quackity being at my sides at all times was hard to get. I know they are just doing their jobs, but it was a bit irritating sometimes. They were all serious about this. Talk about all play and no fun.

I grabbed my mask off my face and slid it off. I looked in the mirror, my green eyes staring back at me. They were a bit bloodshot, nothing too horrible. I shouldn't be tired, I haven't done anything in days.

I had heard about the break in, but I wasn't even there. Ranboo had left to help Techno, but Quackity said he was meant to protect me. We stayed locked in a room upstairs with Quackity on high guard and me just sitting there. Apparently Mega had died... which was upsetting to me, but Techno didn't seem to care. Neither did Tommy, who was the one to kill him. 

I had seen George and Sapnap, neither of them had been injured. It was weird, even though I told them we can talk during the day, they just randomly stopped about two days ago. I guess they could be busy, but they don't even say hi when we pass each other in the hallway!

My hand clenched as I thought about it. What if they just didn't care anymore? What if they just were happy to get rid of me and now were happy together? Wasn't I a source of their troubles? That's what Techno said. So is it for the best that they hate me? Probably.

I shook my head, placing my mask back on my face. Maybe a walk could clear my thoughts.

I pushed my door open, poking my head out. No guards, perfect. I slipped out, gently closing the door behind me. I snuck down the halls, keeping my head low. Instead of my regular dark green gown, I was wearing my short, black cape. It was quieter and, even though Techno thinks I'm dumb for this, much better looking.

I walked up the stairs, heading for the roof. When I opened the door, I didn't expect someone to be standing there.

He jumped, his brown, curly hair bouncing with his movement. "Oh, King Dream, I didn't mean to- I'll just go!" Wilbur stuttered and he moved out of my away. 

Out of instinct, my hand grabbed his arm tightly. He flinched but stayed completely still. "I... no, can you stay for a minute?" I let go of his arm, feeling bad. I didn't even mean to grab him.

"Uh, yea, of course!" He rubbed the back of his neck, a small smile on his face. I gestured for him to follow me and we walked close to the edge of the roof. There was a stone wall here, blocking anyone from falling off.

"I just... I'm a bit confused right now." I said, not looking at him. Wilbur was leaning against the wall, staring out at the land beyond us.

"About what, sir?"

"Please, just call me Dream for right now. No need for fancy terms when no one else is around." I glanced at Wilbur. He smiled, nodding his head slowly. "You remember when... Phil, passed away, right?"

I turned back to Wilbur, not hearing him even breathing. His face was a ghostly white and he looked flabbergasted. "I'm not trying to make you, uh, uncomfortable! I just wanted to know how you dealt with Tommy and Tubbo after that, since they are your brothers after all."

"Yea, yea, I remember and everything. It... took time, per say. They didn't really understand at first, thought Phil was coming back. Then they just... I guess reacted in their own ways. Both were mad at me, of course, but they eventually forgave me. Techno said he dealt with some of it, got it fixed and all, and now neither of them remember. I mean, it makes senses with Tubbo, but Tommy surely would've remembered. I don't know... why are you asking?" Wilbur coughed, turning away from my eyes. I sighed, following Wilbur's lead and leaned against the stone wall.

"George and Sapnap. Neither of them will talk to me after we got in trouble with Techno. We seemed okay for like five seconds, then they ditched me! I just wanted to know how you got on better terms with Tommy and Tubbo." I laughed awkwardly. The whole situation was awkward. Wilbur and I had never spoken before this moment, not like this, and now we were just sharing our friend/family issues. The things I resort to when my friends abandon me.

"I bet they feel... confused. I mean, did you ever explain what happened?" I shook my head. "Well, there's some of your problem. You need to just be open and honest with them. I'm sure they'll come around, you guys are really close." I smiled and pushed off of the wall. Wilbur did the same and we were facing each other now.

"Thanks, Wilbur." I held my hand out, offering a handshake. We weren't close enough to hug each other, but I think a handshake shows enough gratitude.

"Anytime." Wilbur reached his hand o-


Wilbur's POV

A crash interrupted me. I brought my hand back to my side, facing the noise. Dream had done the same, his hand near his sword. We both relaxed as we saw a wheezing Quackity in front of us.

"King Dream! I am so sorry we weren't around to escort you! Please forgive us!" Ranboo appeared from behind Quackity. I smiled down at Quackity, noticing he was the shortest one here.

"It's... it's ok. Let's go." Dream glanced at me, giving me a tiny nod. I nodded back, watching Dream disappear down the stairs with Quackity and Ranboo hot on his heels.

I sighed, looking back to the land. It was nearing dusk and the sky was turning a lovely blue, pink, and purple mixture. The sun disappeared as a full moon rose into the sky slowly but surely.

Quite an odd interaction, if I might say. Wasn't everyday that a king spills his friendship issues to you. Guess it also isn't everyday I talk about Phil. Or the fact he was my father.

I owed it to Tommy and Tubbo for them to relearn the truth. They both were slowly remembering it. Techno said they never would and I believed him, for the most part. But now, Tubbo knew his name and Tommy surely would've learned by now as well.

They deserved to know that we were siblings.

They deserved to know their brother had killed thousands.


(1312 Words)

Hopefully you read the top! Also, yes Dadza exists here, you're welcome. But why are they saying Techno made sure they never remembered? Huh, odd. Thanks for reading!

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