(2) Gossip

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"I haven't seen you in forever!" Chelsea complained, her arms wrapped over my shoulders as she hugged me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, but a small smile still made its way on my lips. "I saw you like two weeks ago." I informed her as I was still rummaging through my locker for a pen.

She huffed, the air of it hitting my shoulder where my sweater was slipping off it. I moved out of her grip, officially not liking the claustrophobic feel it gave me. When I moved to face her however, I was suprised at the hurt look on her face, but it was only there for a second before she covered it with a smile.

"Yeah but in girl time, that's almost literally forever." She explained as I closed my locker and we started towards our next stop. In all honesty, I didn't catch half the stuff she was saying, but I think she mentioned 'girl code' at one point. Even though I don't know what she's rambling about, I- like a good friend- nod my head, and every once in a while throw in a 'mhm'.

So as we round the corner towards Audrey's locker- and as Chelsea starts reciting the first admenment- I see the lovely sight of Audrey and Eli swapping spit.

They're shameless, I swear.

"Okay, so if you two are done eating each other's faces, I would kind of like to get going before we're late." I sigh, tugging the end of Audry's hoodie. I'm not surprised when I get no response back and glance back towards Chelsea to see her still talking. I wonder if she's taken a breath...

I tug her hoodie again.

"I'm coming!" Audrey mumbles as she turns her head more towards my direction, Eli's lips being forced to move to her cheek.

"You will see him at lunch now come on" I try to convince her before we all piss off Mr. Watts; he's a stickler for tardy students and I do not want to get on his bad side the first day of school.


What even is cafeteria food?

I shake my head, not wanting to think too much about it. After a painstakingly boring class, I was now debating on which food would be least likely to kill me. After selecting a pizza slice and water as my meal, I make my way to our usual lunch table.

When I took my seat, I saw Audrey was already starting on her packed salad; She would never be caught eating anything coming out of the school kitchen.

Audrey is a health nut and has been packing lunches since the day I met her in the seventh grade and she listed every processed chemical in the juice box I was drinking. I thought she was weird but I liked her anyways, and ever since then I have gotten used to her usual rants on how the entire world should go organic.

Elijah makes his way over to us and sits next to Audrey and as if they hadn't just seen each other two hours ago, they start sticking their tongues down eachothers throats.

Like seriously, how do their lips not bleed.

My disgusted stare is broken as Chelsea drops her lunch tray onto the table and falls into her seat with a huff. "Oh my god, you will not believe what I just heard from Becka. So tell me why some dumb chick didn't know how to use a condom."

Fighting back a patronizing tone, I turn to her, resting my hands on her forearms. "Chelsea, slow down. What are you talking about?"

"Jenna from homeroom is- get this- pregnant! And I mean like, no period, baby coming in nine months, gonna be a mom- two months late, pregnant!"

At this point Audrey detatched herself from Eli long enough to gasp, "Shut up!" Her attention drawn to the subject of conversation.

Eli, also regaining his composure, then tuned into the conversation as well. "Who's the father?" He asked, his arm sliding over Audrey's shoulders and bringing her closer to him.

Sinner and Saintحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن