"You Fell Asleep At Your Desk." [F]

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| Warnings: none
Type: Fluff
Enjoy! |

Skeppy yawned, his eyes heavy and stinging from the light of his computer. He didn't know the time, until he glanced at the corner of one of his monitors. 2:57 am.. Skeppy stretched in his seat, feeling some joints pop. He rubbed his eyes and returned to his position slouching over his keyboard.

He rested his chin in his hand and watched his mouse click and drag things around. Skeppy reached for a mug on his right, only to find it empty. He sighed and set it back down, deciding he could finish this project tonight. He yawned again, paying no mind to his vision blurring as his eyes drooped shut.

Skeppy jolted awake before his head could hit his desk.

He groaned in frustration and blinked away the sleepiness that made his eyes so heavy. He was almost done, he could finish this. He checked the time, 3:18 am.. Skeppy yawned, letting his eyes hang shut for a second longer than they should've. Big mistake. Skeppy's head hit his desk and stayed there. His snores rang out from where he sat in his chair, his computer still on.


Bad groaned and rubbed his eyes as he trudged down the hallway. His full bladder had woken him up from a peaceful sleep and he reluctantly got out of bed. He squinted in the darkness, not bothering to put on his glasses for a quick bathroom trip at 3 am.

He stopped in front of Skeppy's open door. Bad had made it a habit to check that his night owl friend had gone to bed whenever he woke up at night. He poked his head in, grunting at the bright light of a still on monitor. Bad opened his mouth to yell at Skeppy to go to bed when his eyes adjusted.

His roomate was slouched over his desk, snoring like he could guide ships in a fog. Bad shook his head and walked in. He switched off Skeppy's monitor (after saving the project) and shook Skeppy's shoulder. "Skep, you gotta wake up." Bad mumbled, his own voice hoarse and low with sleepiness. Skeppy groaned and reached out for Bad.

"Baaadd.." Skeppy whined, finally latching on to Bad's sleeve. "Carry meee." Skeppy pouted, his eyes never once opening. Bad blushed but scooped Skeppy up. Skeppy hugged Bad like a tired child, nuzzling into his roomate's shoulder. "You're warm.." Skeppy whispered. Bad rolled his heavy eyes. "You fell asleep at your desk, again."

Bad tried to shake Skeppy off into his bed, but he just held on tighter. "Geppyyy I gotta pee!" Bad whined. Skeppy just snuggled into Bad, claiming how warm and comfy he was. "Skep if you don't let go I will wet your bed." Bad threatened, to which Skeppy finally let go and fell into his bed. "Fine, but you better come back here and cuddle me."

Bad snickered. "Give me a minute." Bad finally went to relieve himself before crawling into bed next to his roomate. Skeppy cuddled up to Bad, soaking in the warmth of his friend. "G'night Skeppy.." Bad raked his fingers through Skeppy's hair. Skeppy hummed then yawned. "Night..."
Remember children: It's not gay to cuddle the homies. Unless..? 👀
I jest. I jest.
I wanted to write some sleepy fluffy bois after the first chapter, and I'll try to space out the smut.
Anyway byeee! Hope ya liked it!
Word count: 577 (short, ik)

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