Prologue - Fifteen Years Ago

Start from the beginning

She couldn't refuse the command, was too afraid of what would happen if she did. She reached her fingers behind one ear and felt something. That something moved at her touch as she ripped it off and tossed it to the floor of the tub. She saw the earwig thrash for a moment before being swept into the drain. Cara let out a small cry and reached behind the other ear. She tossed two more down the drain, slipping as she did. Luckily she only bruised her elbow in the fall. She was far more concerned by these earwigs, and her eyes darted cautiously all over the tub. Where had they come from? How did those things make it behind her ears without her noticing? 

That had disturbed Cara, but it wasn't what had convinced her the house was haunted.

When the creaks or the flies couldn't keep her awake and she would actually fall asleep, that became even worse. As she slept a feeling would seep through her dreams. "They" were watching her. She would be pulled awake and know with terrifying certainty that as soon as she opened her eyes she would see them watching from the far corner. But when she did there was never anyone there. The feeling would pass, until she fell asleep again at least. 

As the months had gone on, that sense had gotten stronger. And "they" were no longer in the corner. "They" were in front of the door. And then "they" were in the middle of the room. And then at the foot of her bed. And then beside the bed. And then right beside her so that she could feel hot breath on her face.

She had cried to her mom about this, but her mom had assured her it was all in her head. That the stress of the move and starting at a new school, high school none the less, was just taking a toll on her. Maybe that made sense, Cara had tried to think, but there was something on her mom's face, something that said she wasn't sleeping well either. Greg looked exhausted too, they all did. 

Well, not Nolan. He had seemed happier than ever. It wasn't that strange that he would be happy, he was seven after all. Except he never seemed that happy when they went out anywhere. Cara would take him to the park or to see a movie, and it wasn't that he seemed miserable, just not excited. Time outside was fine and enjoyable for him, but time playing alone in his room was what he lived for now. Their mom figured he was just really enjoying his new space (his old room had been a bit cramped and tiny). Maybe, Cara thought. Maybe.

Whatever justifications her mom wanted to make, Cara knew she hated living in that house and just prayed her mom and Greg came to their senses and cut their loses. But until that point Cara was not going to spend any more time in that place than she had to. Angel had been so helpful in that respect.

Her full name was Angelica Hudson, but Cara had taken to calling her Angel. Cara liked shortened versions of names, she had shortened her own from Caroline after all, and Angel certainly suited Angelica.

They had moved to this new neighbourhood in late August, and while it wasn't too far from her old house, it did change which high school she was going to be going to, and so Cara went into school in September not knowing anyone. The one fortunate thing was that everyone else was just as nervous on that first day as she was, and while most people knew a few others in their class, nobody knew everybody. Cara was able to slip by without drawing too much attention, and that was fine by her. Until fourth period anyway.

It was her visual arts class, and Cara had grabbed a seat near the back, as had been her strategy in all her classes so far, but she regretted it this time. Angelica Hudson walked in a bit late and after a quick glance at the remaining seats grabbed one near the front. Cara had only gotten a good look for a second but was instantly interested. Angelica had dark black hair cut in a messy bob (Cara guessed correctly that she did it herself), large glasses worn for aesthetic appeal over function (which Cara also guessed correctly), many piercings (Cara had more than most but this girl had her beat), and was dressed in a Guns and Roses shirt tucked into high waisted jeans. Cara also noticed during her frequent glances at Angelica during that first class, that she was wearing mismatched socks, of course. But by then Cara didn't need anymore, she had decided she wanted to talk with this girl.

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