Chapter 64

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From the endless depths, which were now his eyes, Jack looked onward. Only it wasn't fully Jack anymore. The thing looked like him, its voice would sound like his, and there would be memories that fluttered through his mind from time to time, but he was no longer truly there. Watching his mother turn to ash as she screamed out for him; he saw her, and he knew who she was, but beyond that there was nothing. She was dying, and then she was gone. It was as Lucifer willed it. Just as he now willed Jack to stand at his side.

He stepped forward beside his mighty saviour and they looked upon the remains. The sanctum was in ruin. The stench of blood was rich in the air. It reminded Jack of chains, of slicing those bodies open and them hanging on hooks. He saw those memories vividly, far more so than anything that was triggered while watching his mom.

Cara and Andie had escaped. Jack didn't understand how, and mostly did not care how, but Lucifer had been furious. He had expanded and become the beast that they had first seen swimming through the icy cage. They. Who had he been with? Jack couldn't remember.

Now Lucifer had recomposed himself and turned back into his almost human form. All eyes in the room focused on him, the hollow eyes of the demons in their human skins and the beady eyes of the few remaining cultists. One stepped forward, a middle-aged man with sweaty olive skin and slick black hair. He took a knee, drawing Lucifer's gaze.

"Permission to speak, my lord," the man said.

"You may speak Raul." The man chose his words carefully, though did not stutter, accepting whatever fate Lucifer deemed appropriate for him.

"Do you intent to bring back Brother Abraham?" Lucifer looked down at the naked mutilated corpse near his feet.

"I have no intention of bringing him back. His purpose has been served."

Raul nodded at this. "Then may I be given permission to speak on behalf of the Imperial Cult?"

"I have no qualms with this." 

Raul stood, head still bowed, but standing firm. "We have pledged unwavering loyalty to you, oh Lord. We will serve you until our deaths, which we accept under whatever means you see fit. Say what you would have us do next and it shall be done."

Lucifer seemed to consider this carefully for a minute. So much had lead to him simply standing on this ground. Jack waited with the others to hear Lucifer's command.

"Take me to the surface. I would see what has been done with my world."

Raul bowed deeply once more and then took the lead, marching the cultists along out of the inner sanctum, through the army of demons and forward. Lucifer glided along, feet barely touching the ground, an eager smile on his face. And Jack followed right behind him.

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