Vertical European Trial

Start from the beginning

"Vati, what are you doing? Why do you look sadder than usual?" Gilbert asked.

"Oh, that." Germania started.

However, before he could finish, eight more young nations ran up to him and Gilbert.

"Vati! What's going on?" Ludwig asked tilting his head.

Germania just sighed.
"I guess I have no choice but to explain."

"Explain what?" Francis asked.

"What is it? Are you leaving?" Emma (Belgium) exclaims.

"Yes, I am leaving, permanently."

"Permanently, what do you mean?" Lily asked.

"Are you going to fade too?" Francis and Ludwig asked sadly.

"Wait, why is France there?" Germany asks.

"Oh, probably should've talked about that." Prussia mutters.

"Because France and Holy Rome came from a split of the same Frankish kingdom, France and Holy Rome were twins."

"Wait, so France is technically my twin?" Germany asks, pointing a thumb at France.

"Uh, yeah, technically." Prussia states.

Germania just sighed again.

"Yes, I am fading." Germania admits solemnly.

"Wait, you're fading?!" Gilbert exclaims.


"No! You can't fade! You can't just leave us like that!" Emma shouts.

"I'm sorry mädchen, I can't control it. I have no choice." Germania says sadly.

Germania then looks over at Austria.

"Austria, I need you to take care of your siblings, please."

"B-But, Vater." Rodreich started

"Austria, for me." Germania pleaded.

"Okay." Rodreich relented

The scene changed to inside of a house. Germania, that Germanic nations, except for the Germanic Nordics, were all sitting around together.

All the countries took a closer look at Germania and realized his feet were already beginning to fade.

"Vati! You can't go!" shouted a crying Lily.

"I'm sorry Lily, I can't stop it." Germania said solemnly.

Germania continued to hold onto his crying child. Lily was quickly joined Ludwig, Emma, Gilbert, and Lux (Luxembourg).

"Do you really have to leave?!" Emma cried.

"I'm afraid I do." Germania said sadly.

The rest of the Germanic children ran the hug Germania as he faded.

Soon enough, Germania was almost finished fading. He continued to hold on to his sobbing children. They were holding onto Germania like a lifeline, even though they knew it was no use.

Germania finally faded. Leaving Francis, Ludwig, Gilbert, Tim, and Austria to comfort the others.

The countries' eyes went wide. They didn't realize how close the Germanics were to Germania.

They had heard Germania was cold and closed off.

They saw Prussia chatting with Germany and Austria. They also saw Switzerland comforting Liechtenstein.

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