Original Edition: Eight

Start from the beginning

That still didn't answer the questions about my aunt and those two. But who could I ask now that she was go—

I collided with another solid form, and the shriek that left my throat was both unexpected and unearthly.

"Jesus Christ, be quiet!" a voice commanded, placing a palm gently over my mouth. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Oh, like I should just believe you," I grumbled, my voice muffled against his skin. I didn't have to shine the flashlight on him to know who it was.

One of the twins.

"Is it that I left you in the bar or that you had a run-in with my brother that makes you untrusting of me?" He cupped my elbow and guided me away from the escalating moaning.

I jerked my arm away and shined the flashlight in his face, causing him to squint and shield his violet eyes from the beam. "I mean, it could be both. Or maybe the fact that I don't even know your name and I'm meeting you in a fucking secret passage in a 200-year-old hotel. There are several options here, sir."

"Archer," he placed his hand over mine and lowered the beam, "My name is Archer Hyde."

I almost came back with a smartass reply, but I needed information that I had a feeling only he will be able or willing to give me. "Good to meet you," I replied, summoning every bit of acting chops I had from the half a semester of theatre arts I took in college. "I'm Gemma. Sorry for the reception, I'm just a little bit jumpy these days." I cleared my throat and spoke more honestly. "And yeah, I was a little put off that you left me in the bar. I didn't even get a chance to thank you properly."

One side of his mouth quirked up in an effortlessly sexy smile. "Do I get to choose the reward?"

Despite myself, my cheeks heated, and I was glad the flashlight wasn't pointing at me. "I don't know...I guess that depends. What were you thinking?"

He held out his arm. "Walk with me. I could use the company. Soren has been in a bitter mood lately, and I could use a nice conversation that doesn't consist of grunts."

I raised my eyebrow and linked my arm through his. "Soren? Is that your brother's name?"

"The one and only."

"It's good to know he isn't just an asshole to me."

Archer snickered, not at all offended by my comment. At least one of the twins had a good sense of humor.

"Would you mind if we exited the labyrinth? I'd like to be able to see you while we talk."

"We can do that," he said, leading me through the narrow passages.

Every step he took was sure like he had walked this route a million times. And maybe he had; he was strolling through the passageways without a light. He stopped, something clicked, and we walked out into the rose garden on the side of the hotel.

The moon sat low in the night sky, creating stretching shadows from the bushes and trees that seemed to reach toward us as we wandered through the garden. The crisp air was infused with the scent of dying roses and burning wood from the fireplaces of nearby houses. It was the epitome of a perfect autumn night.

"So, Gemma, what would you like to discuss?"

Were you running a sex cult with my 90-year-old Aunt Hazel? Are you immortal? Are you a ghost? Of course, I couldn't ask any of those questions, so I stayed quiet for a moment. As we walked, my eyes were drawn to his like a moth to a flame, and I couldn't resist the allure they exuded. Contrary to how I felt just moments ago, I felt like I could trust Archer.

"How did you know my aunt? I mean, besides the fact that she was the owner of the Reynard."

"She was an old friend."

"Then you knew her your entire life."


My eyebrow dipped and I pressed, "Okay, then when did you meet her?"

Archer stopped walking and released my arm. "Are you sure you want to know this, Gemma? Once I tell you, you can never go back. It will change everything, even you."

Never go back and change everything? I hated absolutes. But even more than that, I despised not understanding what was going on inside the Reynard with these men.

I licked my lips and met his gaze. "I'm sure; tell me everything."


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