Chapter 5: Three Days Left

Start from the beginning

The room went silent, my head ached in pain and I need to lay back down. My mother tended to seek the parents out of the room and I layed there for a minute holding onto the new information. Some parts of my body were still aching but overall I was just, overwhelmed. 

"Iris?" I spoke she turned around and smiled 

"That's the first time you've said my name" She sat in front of me 

I smiled to moving my eyes to hers "It is a very beautiful name for a beautiful woman." 

She blushed even more "Did you have a question?" 

"Can you just stay here for a little bit more?" 

She moved over to where I was and layed her head on my shoulder "I will stay for how ever long you need me to." 


We sat there for a little while longer, her fingers found mine and we intertwined them together, I rubbed my thumb on her palm. Her head still resting on my shoulder, our breaths in sync, I found some peace. I was about to get up when I heard some shouting coming from the hallway, I sat up and held my hand tighter on hers. 

"Where is he!?" Someone shouted and I stood up standing in front of Iris, the door to the study brushed wide open and Sammie stood there...pissed 

I growled "What the hell do you think youre doing?" 

She laughed "What am I doing? What the hell do you think you're doing?" 

"What do you mean?" I could feel Iris stand up but still staying hidden behind me 

"You know what she is and you're still going to stay with her!?" 

"I am her mate!" I yelled moving an inch "I am not leaving her!" 

Sammie started to move to, her wolf eyes glowing "You-"

I moved closer, "I am your Alpha and soon to be King, you have no right to talk to me, or your future Queen that way!"

She stood back her wolf whimpering "You-you shouldn't talk to me that way."

"I needed you and you ran!" I said calming down, Iris pressed a hand to my back I immediately started to feel calm "You left, I have been trying with you, Sammie, I have, but you have given me no option!" 

"I needed you to!" She said with tears forming "I needed you around and you left me! For her! I needed clarification! I needed my best friend to talk to me, to tell me the truth!"

I grabbed my hair "I left voicemails, messages, I requested for you several times, you abandoned me because of a silly crush! You got scared!" 

She looked at me with a shocked face, her voice lowered "You knew that from the moment I said that to you, you knew my feelings from day one. How did you think I would react to this!?" She pointed to Iris and me "You think I would sit there and watch you with her and not expect me to do anything!?"

"Sammie-" I moved towards her and she took a step back moving my arm away tears in her eyes 

"Don't bother, I need time away"

"Sammie please dont do this!" I moved closer while she moved further back 

Sammie ran down the hall, I stood there with my hands in my hair pulling at the ends, curing under my breath. The hell just happened? I cant believe she said those things and right in front of Iris. Iris, I turned to her and she just looked shocked just like me. Confusion was all over her face and she looked at me for a moment and smiled. 

Alpha William: The Alpha KingWhere stories live. Discover now