Chapter 3

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The Winchesters were at yet another random diner in another random town, something the brothers were used to, having done it countless times growing up. Mckenzie, although only four, was beginning to get used to it as well. She didn't mind not having home-cooked meals, only diner food and snacks from the gas stations. As long as she was with her brothers, she knew she wouldn't go hungry, and that was enough for her.

"Alright, princess. What are we having today?" Dean asks, holding his menu between himself and his sister. She stares at the laminated thing for a few moments, chewing her bottom lip in deep thought. After all, this was a very serious decision. It could be the most important decision she would ever have to make.

After a few moments of contemplation, the toddler still hasn't made up her mind. So, she does the only thing a rational four year old would do. She asks her brothers. She points at Sam across the table and he gives his brother a confused look, still needing a bit of help with interpreting what his sister would try to say sometimes.

"She wants to know what you're getting." Dean tells him. Sam nods slightly before looking back at Mckenzie.

"I'm getting a salad." He tells her. Mckenzie scrunches her face up, sticking her tongue out and shaking her head, making Dean laugh lightly. She points to him next.

"I'm getting a cheeseburger." He says, pointing to the picture of the food on the menu. "Do you want a cheeseburger?" Mckenzie thinks for a moment before shaking her head. Dean sighs and sees the waitress approaching, turning back to the little girl. "Mckenzie, you need to decide quick." Mckenzie quickly points to the picture of the chicken tenders on the menu and Dean nods, satisfied at finally getting an answer.

As soon as the three finish eating, Mckenzie has her coloring book in front of her, her crayons spread out on the table. She watches as Dean looks through a newspaper, reading over the obituaries, circling the ones that might be a case. He has the cap to the pen in his mouth so she sticks a crayon between her lips and stares at her paper with the same concentration Dean has. When he makes a circle on the newspaper, she makes one in her coloring book. Every now and then, Dean will let out a slight hum at something he reads or a sigh at the lack of information and Mckenzie would be quick to copy whatever sound she can.

After a while, Dean looks over at the girl who stares back up at him. He takes the cap out of his mouth and she takes the crayon out of hers. He smiles and she smiles back. Dean lifts his right hand and Mckenzie mirrors him, lifting her left hand.

"Are you copying me?" He asks the girl with a smile. She nods with her own big smile. "Why?"

Big brother. She signs, leaning forward and putting her little hand on Dean's chest.

Dean gives her a smile when he realizes the meaning behind her words, as simple and silent as they may be. He places both hands on either side of her face and leans forward, pressing his lips to her forehead before putting the cap back in his mouth and returning to the paper, Mckenzie returning to copying his movements once her crayon is settled back between her lips.

The waitress, Wendy, approaches and comes to a stop at the end of the table. "Can I get you anything else?" She asks. Dean looks up and grins at her around the cap. Sam returns from the bathroom and sits back in his seat.

"Just the check, please." He tells the waitress with a polite smile.

"Okay." Wendy says, walking away. Dean drops his head, then looks at Sam.

"You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while." He says before pointing to Wendy. "That's fun."

Fun. Mckenzie signs, pointing at the waitress as well. Sam looks between the two in confusion, finally settling his questioning gaze on Dean.

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