Chapter 2

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"Hey, do you, uh, do you think you could teach me sign language?" Sam asks an hour into drive. 

"Sure." Dean says. "I don't know a lot. Just the alphabet and a few signs that we have to use a lot. But I can teach you what I know. Why?" 

"I want her to be able to talk to me." Sam answers. "She was trying to tell me that she wanted to wait for you last night and I couldn't understand her and I could tell she was getting frustrated at not being able to tell me. I want to be able to ask questions and get more than a nod in response. And I want her to know that I'm trying." 

"Trying to what?" Dean asks, glancing at his brother. 

"To get to know her, I guess." He says. "To be her brother." 

"She knows, Sammy." Dean assures him. "She may not remember you but she knows you're her brother and she trusts you. If she didn't she wouldn't have sat in your lap earlier or left the apartment with you last night." 

"Yeah. Alright." Sam mumbles. "I'm gonna call the morgue and hospital, see if Dad's there." Mckenzie leans forward, over the back of the seat, and taps Dean's shoulder. 

Hungry. She signs. Dean feels around in the plastic bag and pulls out a bag of chips. 

"We'll get you some real food when we get to town, okay, Squirt?" He asks. Mckenzie nods and sits back in her seat, trying to open the bag of chips but failed, huffing in annoyance. She leans over the seat again and hands the bag to Sam, indicating for him to open it. 

When Mckenzie finally gets her chips back, she scoots over to the window and happily munches on her chips as she watches the trees fly by. She's not sure exactly what's going on or why her dad isn't with them, but she doesn't care. She's just glad Sammy's back, not that she really remember him, but Dean seems a little bit happier now that the three siblings are back together. 

"Alright. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue." Sam informs the oldest of the trio after hanging up. "So that's something, I guess." Dean nods and glances to Sam briefly, looking back at the road just as a bridge comes into view. There are several polices cars and officers on or around the bridge. 

"Check it out." Sam leans forward for a closer look and Mckenzie copies him, curious as to what her older brothers were so interested in. 

Dean pulls over and they take a long look at the bridge before he turns off the engine. Dean opens the glove compartment and pulls out a cigar box full of fake IDs with his and John's faces on them. He grabs one and grins at Sam, who stares at him disbelievingly. Dean then turns to look back at Mckenzie, who was staring out of her window. 

"Hey." He says, tapping her shoulder. She turns from her window to look at him. "Stay in the car and don't let anyone talk to you. Got it?" She nods and he grins. "We'll be right back, Mickey." She nods again and Dean looks at Sam. "Let's go." 

Mckenzie watches as her older brothers walk on the bridge, stopping next to a car and a few officers. After a few minutes of them talking, Mckenzie sees movement out of the corner of her eye and turns to see the sheriff and two FBI agents walking by the car. She lets out a small gasp and quickly slides to the floorboard and lays down, pulling the blanket over her. 

When Sam and Dean return moments later, they look in the backseat and chuckle at the lumpy blanket on the floor. "You can come out now, bug." Sam tells her. Mckenzie lifts the blanket off of her head and climbs back into the seat, her hair staticky from the blanket. 

"Why were you hiding?" Dean asks as he leans over the seat to quickly fix her hair. 

Big man. She spells out before pointing to the sheriff. Dean nods silently before tying her hair off again. He turns back around and they drive into town to find the victim's girlfriend. 

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