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Just edited this. Happy reading!


I used to want to be a hero. I assume that's how all of us start out. Most people give those dreams up for more realistic ideals, becoming normal citizens, forgetting about childhood wishes. Others follow those dreams, only to have them crushed upon the day of entrance exams, or simply give up, finding the training too rigorous, never even trying out for the exams.

But some, like me, are hit with the harsh reality.

I had just turned eight, and had had my quirk for five years, so I should have had control over it, but it was still too powerful for me, so I had to wear a pair of shock absorption gloves at all times. The gloves went all the way up my arms to my shoulders, making some really sweaty elbows in summer, but I didn't mind because it meant I wouldn't hurt my family.

My family was going out for the day, and my parents were taking my sister and I to see our aunt and uncle, who lived pretty close to us. It was really nice out, so we decided to walk. We then came across a huge crowd gathered around a hero fighting what looked like just another thug. The guy had probably been shoplifting, then gotten spotted and panicked and used his quirk. We stopped with everyone else in the crowd,watching as the hero easily beat the thug, leaving him tied up to the side as the hero addressed the reporters and poparazzi.

That was the hero's first mistake. The thug's image rippled, and the ropes tying him up flew off. He hurtled toward my little sister, grabbing her and hissing, "Let me go, or this girl gets it!" My parents held me back as I tried to run to her.

The hero threw up his arms, and the earth rippled like water, churning around the thug and my sister, spitting out huge chunks of rock,hitting the thug, and just barely missing my sister. Then a huge piece of asphalt hurtled toward the pair, crashing into my little sister's head. I heard my mother crying, and my father trying to calm me down, and for a split second, I felt the resistance from the shock absorption gloves as they held up against my quirk. Then everything flashed white and before I knew it, I was sitting in the middle of a huge circle of blackened ground and bodies. They were unrecognizable, the closest ones blacked and charred, the farther ones covered with fresh red scars burned into their flesh, like lightning burned onto their skin.

I was young. I was scared. I ran. I thought a hero would help me, but I was alone, and I stayed that way for weeks.People looked at me, but no one made any offer to help.. Everyone turned away, and if they didn't turn, they would push me to the side, going forward.

Then, one day, I was spotted by a pair of people, who happened to br All for One and Tomura Shigaraki. And even though it had only been about two weeks, the person that they brought back to the bar was a very different one than the kid who had watched his sister die because a hero had cared more about publicity than the safety of the people they were supposed to protect.


This is brought to you by the power of spellcheck. 

Please check out my other stories, which are creative writing projects of mine. They're probably better written, and are shown on you profile. The tile of the one I'm currently working on is Chris Exists. If you like the supernatural, or are looking for a story with Gravity Falls vibes, that would be the one. 

Happy reading!

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