Chapter 6

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Sherlock stood in front of the mirror. Dinner, with John. Yeah, and your brother, and Lestrade. Alright not the best first date but that will not stop his good mood. John had left to get changed for dinner tonight. Would it be too much to ask him to stay until he left? You've only just met, stop pushing. He grabs his phone from his nightstand. John had written his number down for Sherlock that morning. His phone explodes with messages as he turns it on. Each one left unread and ignored. He punches in John's number and sends a text.

Hurry up would you. Would you like to stay tonight? It was nice, this morning X SH

Oh no. That was so stupid. Why? He's definitely not coming back now. Well done Sherlock, you completely screwed it up. Got to fix it before he never comes back. How could he possibly fix this? A small note showed at the bottom of his message. John has read the message. Sherlock is in full panic mode. Finger's flying across the screen as he tries to fix it.

I'm sorry, I'm being clingy. You don't have to, I just thought you liked it too. I mean I've got nothing on all week, so we could hang out? For the rest of the week I mean. SH

This one was read instantly. Well this is it. Sherlock knows he's ruined this. John is taking too long. The only explanation is that John has deleted Sherlock's number. He wouldn't want to be involved in someone as clingy as Sherlock. Sherlock was panicking so much that he almost didn't see the reply.

I'd love to stay the week <3 John

He wants to stay the week. The week. Wait. What is that? "Less than three? What the hell does that mean?" Phone still grasped in his hand, Sherlock makes his way to his laptop. He types the offending symbol into the search bar. Heart. Love. Love. Love. Love. Sherlock holds the phone closer to his chest, a smile breaking across his face. His eyes well slightly. He is loved. Sniffing back the inevitable tears, Sherlock types out to John again.

<3 <3 <3 Now hurry and pack.

Sherlock waits for the little read symbol underneath. Then an extra minute, just in case. He then jumps up with force and runs to the bathroom. You have to look great for John. Scrubbing every inch of his body in the shower, taking extra care of his hair. He washes as fast and as thoroughly as one can when they have an important date and a man waiting.

Sherlock stood in front of his wardrobe. He's been there for 30 minutes, just stood in his boxers. There is only one option. He runs through the flat and whirls down the stairs. He is met with Mrs. Hudson's closed door. Oh no, that won't do. He runs forward and bursts through, startling the woman in the process. Before she can scold him he nearly shouts at her, "I have a date. Need clothes. Which ones do I look sexiest in?" SHe looks at him with a small smile and a pitying glance. Mrs, Hudson, without a word walks up to 221B.

She begins going through all his clothes that he threw across his floor. Sherlock stood in the doorway, wringing his hands. She is the only person he will let see him like this. His complete loss of control. She picks up a black suit and a deep purple shirt. These are folded and delicately placed into the detectives arms. Her hand resting on his cheek she looks at him fondly, "Don't worry. He will love you. Now fix that nest on your head." She leaves him in the doorway.


Sherlock got dressed and spent ages trying to make his curls perfect. He even dug around for some cologne mummy had gifted a few years back. Now was the waiting game. John said he'd dress at his sisters then head back. It's almost seven. John should be here any second. Unless... No, don't think like that. He'll be here. He arranged it. His phone begins to buzz. HE pounces towards it where it's resting on the kitchen table. The name plastered on the screen makes Sherlock's heart flutter.

<3<3 John <3<3


"Hey, I'm on my way. I know, cutting it fine."

"It's alright, I don't mind. How's your sister? You said you'd check on her,"

"Yeah, yeah. She's good, good. Uh, I had to explain where I was last night. Told her all about you. Well, not everything," He chuckles softly through the phone. Sherlock could hear him move through the underground.

"I miss you, is that crazy? I mean we've on--" John cuts in before he can finish.

"I miss you too. I'll be ten minutes max."

"Do hurry, John. See you in a minute then."

"Yeah, see ya."

The line goes dead and Sherlock looks at the name. He changed it after he got out of the shower. All he could think about while showering was John, and the little heart. Sherlock feels content, for the first time in his life. Everything feels good. He slips his phone into his inside breast pocket. Then stands. Waiting.


Sherlock can hear talking downstairs. John. A grin spreads from ear to ear. He stood taller, back straight. John's here. He's coming. John. Any second now, he'll stop talking. Okay he's saying goodbye. Come on, come on, come on...

The stairs creak. More uttered words. Why can't she leave him alone? Silence. A small shuffle. Door closing. Silence. Feet pounding on the stairs. He's running up the stairs. Running to Sherlock. Running, running, then just stops. The door opens slowly. John drops his bags as he moves through the room. "Sher- wow" John stands ahead of Sherlock, mouth agape. John has a pair of blue jeans and his brogues from yesterday. This time he paired them with a cable knit jumper. All Sherlock wanted to do was bury his face in that jumper.

"Wow, you look amazing, Sherlock. Really. Wow. Uh, I didn't have anything fancy, so this'll have to do, I guess." Sherlock looked John up and down. What the hell is he going on about? Will I do it? It's definitely doing something. Sherlock takes two strides across the room and buries his face into John's neck. Breathing deep. Mesmerising the smell that is John. "I didn't think you'd come back. I, uh, thought I messed it up." Sherlock chuckles into John's shoulder. John just holds on tighter.

"What made you think I would ever give this up? I've found something great. Something I don't want to lose." John pulls Sherlock back and kisses his face. He slowly kisses it all over. Then captures his lips for a passionate kiss. They stay in the embrace for a few minutes. Holding each other. Sharing kisses in the fading light.

They are broken apart when their phones buzz at the same time. MYcroft, telling them both to hurry up. It takes about twenty minutes by cab to Angelo's. Their reservations are at eight. They have ten minutes. How long have we been standing here? Sherlock takes John's hand and moves towards the door. Guiding him down to the busy street, where they climb into a cab.   

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