Chapter 15

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Not gonna lie....
Nothing within this chapter was planned. But god damn it, I've connected so many missing dots in this one. I hadn't even known I could DO that. XD

So... have a filler episode about Katie and her relationship with Arthur.
it's kinda rushed, but honestly, I think given the fact that time is running out for everyone.... it kinda fits, doesn't it?
Also funfact: we have now passed 130 pages on open office. :)



Katie was nine when she met this strange blond man. A man who seemed to stumble over every easy task ever handed to him.
He lived just up the street. He had blond hair, and strange nice clothes. Sure, some time later, he exchanged his finer clothes with normal ones.
But until then, he was like a beautiful canary. Colorful in his appearance.
However, his eyes were unseeing, uncertain and worried.

When Katie first ran upon him, she had stolen one of the pans of bread he was carrying from the market. With magic.
Katie knew that many people were scared of magic. But she had never seen a grown man look so utterly and completely terrified.
In fact, she broke into heavy laughter, as the man stumbled backwards into the next pile of horse dung.

That happened a week after the ban on magic had been lifted.
The man had almost quivered in fear from her. Armed only with a broom that stood mindlessly at the next to the gates of the closest stables.

The next time she saw him, she stole some of his boots. Later she stole an apple he was trying to eat. She let it float in the air and the blond basically jumped at the sight and ran away.
It was truly funny at first.

But then again, he wasn't the only one who was afraid of her.
Her classmates were too. If you could call them classmates. They didn't exactly have school in their small village in Brieldier. But a nice old lady down the street was offering them some reading lessons. She was blind on one eye. And Katie already had a lot of trouble reading words correctly.
Somehow, the letters just swam before her eyes, each time she tried reading them.
They didn't make sense to her.
And her friends already called her dumb and useless. When she was finally allowed to use magic however, other insults came in.
They called her a "freak". A "monster". Someone who couldn't control their magic. Who would hurt people for no actual reason.

With time... Katie grew uncertain of her abilities. And scared of her power.
That was when she saw the weird blond again. He was sitting on top of a roof, trying to fix something with tools that are usually NOT used to fix a roof top.
The only reason why she watched him was that she was shaking her head at his idiocy. But she didn't feel up to messing with him again.

The poor man couldn't even remember his own name, town gossip said. Katie felt a little guilty about messing with him. He seemed to have enough trouble as it was.
And then she saw him struggle to keep his balance.
He hadn't fallen yet, when Katie could already see him crashing to the ground, breaking his head open and dying from the shock alone.
She shook her head and yelled at him to take care. But it was too late.
The blond was already yelling and slipping, before he could get a grip on himself. And then, Katie's magic caught him.
Slowly, gently, like a feather, his body sank to the floor.
And when he reached the ground unharmed and on both his feet, the first thing was to check himself up with his hands. Then he turned around to meet Katie's eyes.
In that very moment, he seemed to recognize her.
Not that they knew each other, or that he had forgotten her. But he recognized her as the magic user who liked to mess with him.
Who also happened to have just saved his life.
He opened his mouth in shock, then he shook his head.

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