Part XIV *°Sketchbooks°*

Start from the beginning

"Ah right, we're looking for a cat beauty contest," you hesitantly started, "Have you perhaps heard of it?"

"Yeah, we really need to reunite ____ with her lover." Seungkwan added.

"He's not my lover." You exasperatedly said.

"Yet." He winked and you rolled your eyes as him, there was no way you could be dating Mingyu, and even if by any miracle you came to like him a bit, he clearly wouldn't fall for you, you thought to yourself.

"Let's go then, I know this town like the back of my paw." Minghao annouced and looked at his brother who nodded too.

"I call this operation: Reunite The Lost Lovers!" Seungkwan excitedly said before marching forward, not wanting to listen to your objections. You were too tired to disagree anyways, plus, as much as you hated to admit it, it sounded quite nice, you liked it deep down.


After an hour of looking around the town for any hint on where the contest was taking place, you slumped down defeated. There wasn't a single piece of paper in the whole city talking about any damned beauty contest. You were starting to think that it was a secretive contest with only higher class people knowing about it.

"Are you sure they said they were gonna take him to a beauty contest?" You asked Seungkwan again for the third time this past hour, you didn't even wait to hear his answer and you started rambling about the What-ifs.

"I really need to find him again, we need to be together, what if  I never see him again oh my god...." You paced while mumbling to yourself.

"See, I told you she had it bad for him." Seungkwan whispered to Minghao, who was amused by your reaction.

"I don't have it bad for him! His presence makes me feel sick, all I get is knots in my stomach and heart palpitations whenever I see him, it's only bad feelings towards him."

The brothers exchanged lsooks with Seungkwan who just shrugged. "Umm ____," Jun started, "I think you just described love."

You bit your lip at his words, it's not like you were oblivious of it. You knew very well what these -embarrassing- feelings meant, but you decided to be as stubborn as a mule and deny them. Thinking that maybe if you hid them long enough, they would just disappear the same way the appeared.


"Shht. I don't wanna hear it." The teacher stopped you from complaining any further,"You two are working together, and that is final." with those last words, she exited the classroom leaving you and Mingyu alone. You had to gather all your willpower to not throw a chair at his smirking face.

"Told you she would say no." he shrugged while digging back into his papers, leaving you boiling by yourself.

Earlier this morning, the teacher announced that the school would be holding a student fair, that of course included a science project contest. Excitement ran through your veins, that meant another chance to beat you long time rival, you were confident about winning this time. However, everything came tumbling down when the teacher paired you up with him.

"You two are the top students of this school," she said, "I'm expecting great work of you, as we're gonna be against other schools too." Of course she would expect the results to be perfect when you put the best students together, what she didn't know was the the process of it would be far from perfect.

"How am I supposed to beat you if we're on the same team?" You mumbled.

"I know for a fact that I'm still gonna be better than you even while working together." A smirk adorned his handsome face, making yours red from anger.

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