Chapter 15: Finding the Crystal

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Rey's POV

Good thing I brought the holomap, otherwise we would've gotten so lost, we probably would've frozen in those caves.

Well, we did get lost. In the first hour, too.

"You sure you know where you're going?" I asked. We were at a crossroads. I knew the answer already, of course.

"No. I'm not sure. But there's a very strong Force presence in that direction," he said, pointing straight forward.

"There's a strong Force presence everywhere, Ben. We're in Kyber caves."

"Hush. I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not so sure you do."


"Fine. But when we get even more lost, I reserve the right to say 'I told you so.'"

"Okay, just be quiet already!"

I was quiet for about 20 seconds.

"Why am I being quiet again?" I asked.

He sighed in exasperation. "I'm listening."


"I'm listening!"

"For what?"

"My crystal."

I had a feeling my expression was one of visible confusion. He noticed.

"I can faintly hear my crystal's song. And sense it through the Force," he explained.

Oh. That's why. "I knew that," I said superiorly.

"Mmmhmmm," he replied.

"I did!"

"I'm sure. Now seriously, I need silence."

"Alright then!"

I stayed quiet longer this time. Ten whole minutes! Yes, thank you, thank you.

In those ten minutes, Ben cocked his head multiple times in different directions, listening for the crystal. About three minutes into my silence, he finally decided which path of the crossroads to take.

Shocker! It wasn't the middle!

We went left. During my quietude, I ran my hand along the wall of the cave. The inside of the caves were as cool and smooth as ice, but not made of ice. Honestly, I never learned what those walls were made of.

They glowed slightly at my touch. I wondered if the crystals were inside the walls. If they were, we had a big problem.

We walked for what seemed like hours. Actually, it probably was hours. After my ten minutes of silence, I didn't feel like talking again. Quiet would be good, so I stayed quiet as we explored.

A gentle tremor shook the walls and the floor slightly. We looked at each other worriedly. I took his hand immediately, needing an anchor. He gave me a grateful look, so he must have needed one, too.

We searched on.

Ben's POV

Hours later, we found it.

We walked together into a circular room, the ringing of the crystal now so loud and high it was hurting my ears, my head.

I swung my head around, sensing it a few feet away. Then I saw it, on a small peak jutting out from the slick floor. I ran over to it, ready to grab it and get out of these caves. It came easily, snapping off at my touch.

But the song didn't stop. In fact, it grew louder. I sensed another crystal calling to me. Had I grabbed the wrong one?

Then the walls began to shake. More violently than they ever had before.

Rey looked at me, eyes filled with fear and determination somehow at the same time.

I nodded, understanding. Then I left.


Okay, I know what you're thinking. What how could you just leave Rey there alone?! Yeah, I know. But I had to find that other crystal.

I raced through the endless maze until I reached the place with the strongest Force presence. There it was. My second crystal, for some reason.

There was no time. Chunks of crystal were falling all around me. I grabbed it off its peak and ran back to Rey as fast as I could.

Little did I know what awaited me there.

She was standing there, hopping out of the way of the debris, using the Force to shove away what she couldn't dodge.

What happened next...

She saw me and lost her concentration. And at that moment, a large chunk of the ceiling fell down on her, her head. She crumpled.

"No! No, no, no, no," I yelled in distress. Of course that was the moment when the shaking, the debris, it all stopped. And I was left holding her limp body in my arms.

I couldn't risk Force healing. So there was only one thing I could do. Wait.

I checked her head for any signs of bleeding, and found a gash on the back of her head. It was small, not enough to do any real damage bleeding wise, but that hit could seriously damage her brain.

I bandaged the cut and laid her down gently. I had to figure out my crystals.

Hey! Sorry for the super short chapter. This one is kinda 😑 but I've been super busy. I'll write better, I promise!!

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