Chapter 11: Mosiana

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(that's Oliah in the pic. You'll meet her this chapter. This art is actually mine hehehe)

Rey's POV

"I was not expecting this," I stated in awe.

Ben looked at me. "Neither was I."

Mosiana was underwater.

"Good thing I brought breathers," he said.

I nodded. "Ya know, you could've just told me instead of making me wait."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to," he teased with a grin and I swatted his arm.

"Again with the hitting?" He winced sounding exasperated.

I shrugged and grinned. "Ready?" I asked.

"If you are."

"Alright then. Let's go."

We dove into the water. Breathing through our mouth contraptions took a lot of getting used to, but once we did, we could appreciate the beauty of the underwater colony.

It was very surreal. A large city with buildings that had dome roofs that glittered in a mesmerizing way. A strange sound echoed from it. It was beautiful but in an unearthly style, and honestly, a little creepy.

I raised my eyebrows to Ben. "Singing? You didn't tell me they sang." I told him telepathically.

"Well, I didn't tell you anything. But I have a feeling it's gonna get really annoying really fast."

I grinned in my mind. "You would find it annoying. Are they always singing?"

"According to the stories I've heard. It's how they communicate and would explain how they can find kyber crystals so easily."

"Wait, kyber crystals? You didn't say anything about kyber crystals," I accuse.

"Well, I kinda need my own lightsaber, Rey. And my own crystal. The one I have now isn't mine and it's not bonded to me. I need to find mine."

"Well then, why'd you throw away your red saber? It had your crystal. And don't Jedi get crystals from Ilum?"

"Yeah, they did, but the First Order kinda made Ilum Starkiller Base. So no more Ilum." (This actually might be true. Look it up and see the similarities between Ilum and Starkiller Base.)

"Oh. Good job," I said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm not the one who blew it up," he retorted.

Okay, that was pretty fair.

"You were the one who took it over in the first place," I managed to shoot back.

"Actually..." He trailed off. "I'm pretty sure the Empire took it first. Not me."

I sighed mentally. "Okay, fine, so it's not your fault. But how'd you know to come here?" I really was curious about that.

"I heard stories from Luke when I was still a padawan," He explained, and even in his thoughts, he sounded a little bitter when talking about his past.

"Oh. What kind of stories?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Are you always this inquisitive?"


I could almost see him grinning mentally.

"I don't know why I even asked that," he said.

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