Job Interview || 1

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I walked onto the ship confidently, though my thoughts overshadowed my excitement. I knew the rumors were true, and I could not wait. I wanted to go on the pirate ship to get some money and date the captain. I had daydreamed about the handsome pirate standing at the prow of a ship, his face turned toward a glowing sunset. 

Of course, nobody had ever seen him, but... he'll be handsome, I'm sure of it. I wondered if the captain would fall in love with me and we would live happily ever after, as though in a fairy tale. Captain Bellamy, on the ship The Red Lady... I was ecstatic, imagining the awesome story it would be. I was so excited about the ship in our harbor. There weren't many legends about Captain Bellamy, but I knew he would be perfect.

I could not help but worry about his acceptance of my services aboard his ship, even though I knew I was a shoo-in. I followed the signs along the ship to the captain's cabin, where a flyer glued to the door announced the job interviews taking place today. I knocked loudly, cringing a bit at the hollow echo of the wood.

"Come in," a harsh voice calls out. I tentatively open the door a bit, poking my head in.

"I'm here for the-" my words come to a halt, the smooth flow of my rehearsed speech silenced. Sitting before me was not the man I had expected. This man is much more good-looking.

"You're here for the job interview I presume?" he said. He raised his eyebrows as he spoke, and a flash of amusement crossed his face.

"Indeed. You are Captain Bellamy, right?" I asked.

"Actually-" the man started.

"He is not the captain." The annoyance in the speaker's voice was clear, and I steeled myself for the reprimand that was sure to follow. "I am." 

Turning toward the door, which I had left ajar in my haste, I saw a brown leather boot. The shoe was soon followed by flowing brown pants which were topped with a white button-up shirt. The woman was undeniably beautiful, and her soft features shone in the lantern light. I felt a pang of disappointment at the female captain, but realized I could still have the very handsome man I had originally thought to be the captain.

"I- I'm so sorry, I hadn't m- meant-" I stuttered out. Glancing at me, she rolled her eyes.

"I don't care. People make the mistake quite often. He works for me, not the other way around," the captain stated. "Your interview will begin in a moment," she continued. "I just need to talk to Clyde here for a moment. Please step outside the door."

I nodded nervously before sidestepping her to exit the room. I stayed just outside the door, hoping to hear something. I couldn't hear very much so I decided to look at the view instead. 

"Hello!" a young man, shorter than me, cheerily greeted.

"Hi," I replied. His muscles stood out on his arms, and he seemed to be very strong. "I came here for the job interview with Captain Bellamy, and..." My eyebrows creased as my face reddened. "Well.. there was a bit of a mix-up," I finished. He laughed.

"I've made that mistake once too. Just once though," he winked conspiratorially. "What's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Delilah," I said. "What's your name?"

"Tom. It's nice to meet you, Delilah," Tom smiled.

"It's good to meet you as well, Tom." I looked impatiently toward the door, wondering what was taking so long. Almost as if on cue, the door swung open.

"It's time for your interview Delilah. I hope you're prepared. Cap is in a bit of a mood today," Clyde said. 

He noticed Tom and grinned before walking toward the back of the ship. Tom followed behind, and with Clyde's ominous message in my mind, I walked into the cabin.

*a/n I'm going to update this every day until I've caught up to what I've written so far, but after that it will be updated about twice a week. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, please comment and vote if you liked it!*

707 words

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