Gifts and get to knows

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"Yeah night" I say flipping Draco off.

This seems to cheer Hermione and Fred up a bit. Obviously they didn't like Draco very much.

"Umm, while we're walking. I think we should get to know each other," I say.

"Well my name is Hermione. We were bestfriends you always helped me study and helped out with the whole chosen one thing. You stayed with me during summer and Christmas. We were pretty close even though I was in a different house," Hermione says.

"What do you mean 'were'? Are we not best friends anymore?" I ask.

"Well no we're still best friends. It's just with your memory and everything. You know?" Hermione says at a loss of words.

"It was a joke, Hermione," I say reassuring her.

Hermione smiles to herself. Luna is smiling too. Fred looks really worn out. I feel bad for him, I need to walk so I don't strain him anymore. One, two, three, four, five, I'm almost walking. Luna and Hermione have let go of me but are still there to catch me. Fred is still holding on to me. I'm never going to be able to learn how to walk again if he keeps babying me.

"Fred let go, it's okay," I say looking at Fred.

His face falls. He loosens his grip a little but doesn't let go. I think I see tears in his eyes. I guess it's not okay. What a creepy guy.

"I'm your other best friend. We did all types of things together. You were like my sister. You still are my sister," Luna says.

"Thanks angel. What about Fred. What are you to me," I ask curiously.

"I your," Fred stutters, not being able to finish the sentence.

They all exchange looks with each other and decide to let it pass. Excuse me what was I to Fred!? When I ask about our relationship you don't look nervous and not tell me. If you assaulted me I kinda need to know.

"Were here" Luna whispers.

They say a password and bring me in. I know how to walk now but Fred still won't let go of my arm. The boy with a scar and glasses and the other red headed boy are preparing something in the common room. There are a few other people. One is a wimpy looking boy, a red head girl, a boy with brownish blonde hair, and Sirius Black. I go over and hug the black dog.

"Do they know?" I whisper.

He stays in his animagus form but rubs his head against my arm. I'll take that as a no.

"So you know him," Harry says.

"Yeah I remember him," I say.

This seems to push Fred over the edge. He sort of storms out of the room but shortly he comes back.

"I'm Harry," the boy with glasses says.

"Potter?" I joke.

"Yeah" Harry smiles.

Wow, I just happened to go to school with the boy who lived. No wonder this is happening to me.

"Ron, Ron Weasly" the red headed boy says.

"And I'm Ginny," The red headed girl says.

"I'm Neville Longbottom" The awkward looking boy squeaks.

"Oliver Wood," the boy with brownish blonde hair says.

"George Weasly" Fred says.

I look at Fred skeptically. He already introduced himself as Fred. Did he also lose his memory?

"Sure" I say, staring at him.

"I-I'm a twin," George says.

"Cool anyways, do I have a boyfriend?" I say.

Another Draco Malfoy fan ficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora