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I'm on the train. By myself. I made sure not to run into anyone. I'm getting better at hiding but my attention span is so short that I left my hiding spot multiple times. I actually do miss everyone. So much. I also realized that they are such a big part of my life and I'm a big part of theirs. A big part that can only hurt them. Like how I hurt my brother, my first boyfriend, my mom, my dad and everyone else that has ever stepped into my life. I need to disappear before I hurt them even more. I borrowed Harry's invisibility cloak without asking and just waited on a window sill.


Around 9 hours alone by the window. Sometime on the ride I started singing. Singing a song that I didn't know. I didn't even know I was singing until someone mentioned it.

"I swear I heard something, mate. I'm not going crazy," Ron says.

"Well I am Ron, shut up" Harry snaps.

"You two are driving me mad. Shouldn't we look for Ash," Hermione says.

"What for?" Ron says.

"She sort of disappeared over the summer. How do you not know this Ron," Hermione says.

"Bloody Hell Hermione, she's snogging my brother. Of course I know she disappeared. I just don't see how it's a big deal," Ron says.

"Hermione's right Ron, she's our friend and we all know she's impulsive. What if she had a suicidal impulse?" Harry says worried but still stuck in his own world.

"She wouldn't do that. I know her better than to assume she's dead. You know how much she dislikes Hogwarts policies. Surely she'd make her death noticable and easy to blame on Dumbledore," Hermione says.

I didn't know that Hermione knew this much. It's kind of scary how accurate she is. How would I die? So many ideas, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to put that much trauma on Fred.

Off the Hogwarts Express I go straight to my room. I have to remove my bed and find a nice closet. The RoR is too obvious. Up the stairs, through the door, past Luna and Hermione, far left of the room. Wait Luna and Hermione. They really make me wish I had stupid friends sometimes. I'm sure even Harry and Ron wouldn't have ditched the sorting because they thought that I may have skipped it too. I don't even think that they would think that I skipped it at all.

"Welcome back," Luna says, opening her arms for a hug.

"Are you okay?" Hermione says.

It's only been one summer. I didn't even miss them that much but for some reason I still went over and hugged them. I really need to learn vanishing spells. I keep forgetting to learn an invisibility spell and a remembering spell. At least I still have that invisibility cloak I took.

"You aren't leaving again" Luna says.

"The thing is, I am," I say.

"Ash if you die on us then we can forgive you, but if you leave I don't think we can," Hermione says.

"Isn't that the point?" I say leaving the room.

If they hate me, they can't miss me. I came to pack my bed up, but now that they have already seen me here I'll just avoid them. Shouldn't be too hard since I only have all of my classes with Luna.


It's been about two months. I've been lurking around Hogwarts. It's not difficult to find a place to stay. I started living in a closet but flinch caught me so I moved to a hotel but that got too expensive. I haven't even gotten my trustfund from Gringotts yet. I ended up guilting Draco into letting me stay with him. I didn't even know Draco felt guilt. Slytherin has more parties than Ravenclaw and they are not the most welcoming people. Especially when I could be some sort of spy, so I've been spending more time outside and in the astronomy tower. So far I've noticed a large black dog following Harry. Kinda creepy but fans will be fans.

"You stole Harry's invisibility cloak"

"Sure did. What's your name?" I say.

I'm impressed, Harry hasn't noticed it's missing yet and it's an invisibility cloak. When I use it you don't see me use it. That's the whole point.

"Sirius Black" he says.

I drop my book and look around for him. He must have been that black dog from before. Another animagus, I'm so excited.

"Sirius Black you're the one that killed your best friend and escaped Azkaban. I'm a huge fan, really," I say getting up to shake his hand.

"I didn't kill him he's an-"

"Animagus, I assumed so. I went through every spell you cast before your imprisonment and none of them would have resulted in a toe being left. Enough of that though, how'd you escape?" I ask.

"I- what?" Sirius asks surprised.

"O, did you want the cloak first? Actually we have time. Teach me an invisibility spell and tell me how you escaped," I list.

"How'd you know I was an animagus?"

"I said your friend was but there were so many clues. You were following Harry as a dog and now you're asking me for his cloak. You also spent a lot of time in animagus form so that shows that you don't belong at Hogwarts. Besides your old and just admitted to being Harry's godfather, Sirius black," I say taking out some snacks "Pumpkin Pasties?"

He takes one and eats it. Thinking in silence. Thinking in silence.

"I wish you were my lawyer,"

"Sure, sure. Anyways where's your friend now? I never could figure out his animagus form," I say, tearing a piece of a pumpkin pasty.

"Currently sleeping next to Ron Weasly," he shrugs.

"Extremely lucky to have gotten so close to HP,"

"Yeah" he says scowling.

"You know I do have more food," I say watching him throw the wrapper angrily.

"You could help me kill Peter," Sirius says, getting a realization.

"Sure I'm free tomorrow after school," I say.

"You can really just kill someone that easily?"

"Done it before, but unlike you I got away with it,"

We talk for a while. I end up bringing him back to Draco's room. He showered, then I showered. Draco still thinks that Sirius is a stray dog so he let him stay for a while. Eventually I told Sirius about how I'm an animagus. It's really hard getting food for him because I'm trying to hide too. I'm running out of poly juice potion, but I think he has some sort of grudge against Snape because as soon as I said I was running out he volunteered to get some more from him. Unfortunately Snape caught wind of all the missing potions ingredients. Apparently I stole a few galleons worth of ingredients. I'm not paying that back but if I steal anymore I'll have to pay it back and get detention.

Basically I'm going to have to buy more potion ingredients from Hogsmeade. I wonder if Fred got a new girlfriend. We never broke up, but I'm pretty sure it was implied. When someone ghosts you for 6 months that usually means they don't want to be in your life anymore. After Harry found out Sirius was here they started spending more time together so I barely see them anymore. I actually did play quidditch this year but I drank a polyjuice potion and convinced the professors to announce me as someone else. Dumbledore was overjoyed by my sudden quietness and how under the radar I was. He even considered letting me participate in the house cups again. Of course he came to his senses.

Yeah confusing. Even I'm confused. Don't worry I promise year four will be better.

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