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"Today we will be examining colors and seeing how they make you feel. I have already set up partners for you. You will talk to them and write about what your partners house color means too you," Professor McGonagall says.

This is just about the stupidest lesson I've ever heard of. This was supposed to be a way to bond with classmates and maybe stop the petrifying of muggle borns I don't see how that would work. Basically after the quidditch games, there had been writing on the walls in blood and petrified muggle borns. I don't really know what's happening, I started distancing myself from the golden trio after my 42nd detention. I'm a pure blood any way so it's not like I'll die. The Slytherin pure bloods are getting hate crimes but I'm just a Ravenclaw pure blood focusing on my studies. Anyways the reason this bonding assignment won't work is because the students we are supposed to be bonding with don't attend class because they are scared for their life. Of course, Hermione's still here.

Geez I zoned out again. I hope my partner isn't a Hufflepuff, yellow just doesn't have any obvious emotions like the rest. Yellow is supposed to be a happy color but when I look at it I see lemons and urine. I have no issue with lemons but would it offend them if I said they remind me of them. Hufflepuffs are so great; I don't know how I would interact with them.

"Silvers did you hear me!" Malfoy says completely interrupting my train of thought.

"Are you sure you're my partner?" I ask skeptically.

"You act as if I want to be partnered with you," he scoffs.

"And you act as if you're a decent human being, love of my life," I say rolling my eyes.

Draco turns a bit red when I say "love of my life". Was that actually a blush? Was he blushing? Absolutely not the lighting in this room is probably just bad.

"Fine, how do you feel about green and silver" he smirks.


"Well I suppose so,"

"Ok silver feels like a clean color that just adds to anything in a pleasant way. It's cold umm... cool I guess," I say

"Wow that was deep," Malfoy says sarcastically.

"Alright I'll try harder for green then. Green reminds me of being sick. Like when you're about to throw up. When you're feeling quesy but think you can hold it in. Some people think that green means go or that everything is safe. I think that's not true because green is also the color people like to use for poison. I see how some people think green is safe, but I think that it's just like a false hope. You think everything is okay but if you let go for a second, you throw up and everything comes crashing down. It seems welcoming to the point where it's not," I say.

Draco stopped smirking. He stopped smirking as soon as I said the word safe. Maybe he knew something about that a false sense of security. Or maybe he's just stunned by my stupidity. Either way it's his turn. It's your turn to shows your colors Malfoy.

"Bronze is mediocre at best, can't even compare to Silver," he says

"Try again"

"No, your silver analysis was trash so that's my bronze one"

"Fine, your analysis on blue had better be...well better"

"bossy much" he mumbles.

I heard him but I try to not emotionally scar young children.

"Blue is sad. Umm and refreshing. Cold and Dreary," Malfoy says pausing.

He looks at me as if he's done. How many words was that? 9?

"Well go on mister cold and dreary I'm waiting," I say impatiently.

"More?" he says in disbelief.

Believe it Malfoy. McGonagall is making us write a paper on this and 9 words is not going to magically turn into 1000.

"Talk til you're depressed," I say.

"Already am,"

"So there's nothing stopping you,"

"Blue is sad, gloomy and lonely but it's also cool and calming. When you're out of the red zone and in the clear. You're relieved and calm, but you miss being in the red because then at least you're doing something. So sometimes it's nice and refreshing to be alone but after a while you do want something hectic to happen. Just so that you know that you can still function," Malfoy says avoiding eye contact.

"So basically you're lonely and sometimes you like that but sometimes you wish the world would burn down just so that you know it can," I say summing up his words.

"Well you don't have to make me sound so-"

"I thought you didn't care what people thought,"

"Not blood traitors like you, or mudbloods like-"

"Quit saying those things. You were acting all sad before and now your back to being your usual arrogant self. Quit being so bipolar, and if you call anybody a mudblood again I will hex you. I created a special hex just for this. Everytime you say mudblood, your blood, will quite literally turn into mud. So don't... and Blood traitors are just purebloods that don't follow Voldemort-" I rant.

Malfoy really had the audacity to cover my mouth when I said Voldemort. Whoever said Slytherins weren't brave was lying, they just have a death wish.

"Don't say his name"

"Well dang, next you'll tell me not to call you an arrogant fool,"

That's me. Making jokes at the worst possible time. I just wonder why people don't say his name. What's he going to do? Come back to life? Please he's trying regardless of how many times you say it. I'm safe no matter what happens, if I accidentally summon Voldy he's still going to go for Harry. I bet even Neville knows that. Harry and those close to him are the only ones in trouble. Neville could have been the chosen one but no, even better Voldy's obsessed over "the one that got away" also known as Harry Potter.

"Just don't say his name" Malfoy says, visibility trembling.

Draco chill, Voldy isn't gonna come over and kill you. He isn't even a pureblood. Technically, with his logic in mind, you and your family are superior.

"Fine I'll call him Moldy Voldy, Moldy for short. Okay?" I say, trying to sympathize with him.

I don't know, the rest of the class sort of zoomed by. After I wrote my essay, and put a special illusion spell that makes the reader like what it says a little bit more than usual, I went over to Luna. I don't use that spell a lot because too many amazing essays and suddenly people investigate your skills. Luna's just here being the best person I've ever met. I might even care when she dies. She isn't half bad at duelling either. She and I usually have mini parties and hangouts in the Room of Requirements. I've only told Luna, Fred, and Hermione about the RoR. I've also sworn them to secrecy, Harry, Ron, and George still don't know about it.

Yeah second year is going to end pretty soon. I honestly didn't like second or third year very much so I'm trying to zoom into fourth year. They were great books but four was my favorite and I feel like this is getting too long.

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