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Fred is pretending that our little fight never happened. The thing is he's really good at it. Every time I'm with him it feels just as great as it did before. We laugh and make jokes. We hug and talk about our day. It seems so wonderful and natural, but at the end of the day when I look back I can't help but notice that he seems off.

I don't even know how to approach it. Every time I see him I want to but I don't know how. Before I even have the chance to think about it he would whisk me away and I would forget everything. I've talked to Luna about it and she says that I should just come clean and talk to him. She says that it's obvious he loves me and that everything will be okay. I don't see how he could love me though. It's been one year, I've had 12 years to loves myself and I haven't even gotten close. I don't even think I love him. I feel happier than I've ever been with him, I feel special, I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with him because everything is so perfect but I also feel... well I know. I know that I'm probably a burden to him. He makes me feel like I'm on a cloud but I bet I make him feel like he's being stabbed in the head over and over again. He's just to nice to break it off, but I'm too selfish to break it off. That's how I know, that's how I know I'm not in love with him. There are still things I'm not capable of doing for him, one is letting him go.

There's that, and the fact that everyone in the school already thinks I'm some sort of possessive monster. We don't even spend that much time together. I spend more time with Hermione than I do with him. Although if they can read my thoughts I could learn to understand why they think that. I do think about him more than I should but that's just because he's a part of my life. The best part.

"Hey Fred, I think we need to talk," I say.

O my ghost, I did it I started a serious conversation. This is strange I could laugh at this. I can't laugh at it though.

"Sure Ash what is it?" Fred says leaning down towards me.

"Well remember that day you wanted to give me a nickname, and I said that it was stupid..." I say pausing to give him a place to step in "I don't think it's stupid anymore if you wanted to."

"Relax Ash it wasn't that big of a deal, you know I respect your decisions. Remember before we started dating you had already said you didn't like them. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn't full fill the one request you had?" Fred says.

"One I deserve" I mumble.

"What was that"

"Why were you so sulky after I said no then? Something's wrong tell me what the problem is." I ask "Fred you were doing the amortentia potion for potions around that time. Did you not smell me? Because of you didn't it's okay,"

It wasn't anything like that, the problem was that I did smell you. Listen after I started dating you I got a letter. Did you know you have a lot of admirers? Anyways one of them sent me a prophecy and a letter saying too back off. The prophecy said
The remnants of a spark have met a flame
The flame be of Fred and remnants of Ash
He who must not be named
Will end the flame
But the spark will attract the unnamed
The spark will deplete the flame
The one not to be named will be tamed
and Ash I checked with my father and he said that it is a real prophecy," Fred says.

I drag him into an empty classroom. I thought we were going to break up, not get involved in a voldy plot.

"The only reason my dad could confirm this was by going to the minister. Ash there's been a mole. A loose death eater, one interested in you. Whoever it is you have to watch out. I do have to admit I was planning on leaving you. That is until amortentia, I smelled the peppermints you carry around, your favorite vanilla ice cream, parchment that I knew was your favorite book, and your sarcasm," Fred says.

I laugh "How can you smell my sarcasm,"

"I guess I can just senses it"

"I wonder what you'll smell like"

"I wonder if you'll smell me at all"

"I do too"

"Either way I've made my choice, what's a few years anyway. Maybe I'll die when I'm 120 instead of 130. It won't matter without you anyway," Fred says.

"I wish you wouldn't" I say.

It's quiet for a while. I'm in Fred's arms. He's the most comfortable and safe place I've ever been. I'm about to dose off, who needs herbology anyway. I'll just ask Neville for the notes.

"Ash? Are you still there?"

"Yeah Fred, I'm always here for you"

I'm about to mention how cheesy I sound when he picks me up. He carefully grabs my face and pushes a few hairs out of the way.

"I'm going to call you whispy," Fred says and before I can interject he kisses me.

He's really warm and I can't help but deepen the kiss. It's a nice kiss, it's not passionate. More soft, tender, and sweet. I feel safe, I've always felt comfortable but now that I'm this close to him and our lips are touching I feel safe. It's too bad that safe doesn't really exist. After a bit of time passes I realise that my hands are tangled in his hair and his are around my waist. I feel a bit bad because he has to bend down to kiss me. Next time I won't let him kiss me anywhere except on the stairs. It's our first kiss together and it's such a nice moment. I can't believe I'm about to ruin it by laughing. I just can't help it, I feel all giddy and he tastes like my favorite vanilla ice cream. I wonder if he planned that out. I do love him, or at least now I know that I will. Now, soon, or when we finish Hogwarts. I won't ever leave him and it's not because I'm selfish, it's because I couldn't if I tried.

I laugh and pull away from him "I'll call you pretzel."

"You're hungry aren't you?"

"Well you don't expect me to skip dinner do you Pretzel?"


The top part is so annoying like we get it you like the guy.
The whole thing is really cheesy.

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