I gasp and walk over to the black and orange bike. It looked perfect. I liked it at least. The only thing was it diddnt look big enough for two people so it proably wouldn't work. I turned around tonwalk away from the bike and ran right into a hard chest. I groan softly and look up to see its just dabi. I sigh in relief and and smile.
" its just you thank god." I chcukle softly.
" I see we like the same kind of bikes. " he said softly. " yeah but its only a one seater." I stated. He grabbed my hand." I found one that looks just the same but for two people." He drug me across the shop and stopped when we stood infront of a bike.
" I think we should get it." I say looking up at him with a smile.
He nods his head and we go up to the front desk.
" I would like to buy that bike over there in cash." Dabi said pointing over to the bike. I stood there practically hiding behind dabi as he spoke to the man.
" ill have you sign a couple of papers then its all yours." The older man said shuffling through a pile of papers. The sales man sat a stack of papers down infront of dabi and handed him a pen.

" this is a nice ass bike. " I comment while dabi swings his leg over the bike and gets on. " are you going to get on or stand there?" Dabi smirked. And turned the bike on. I smiled hearing the engine start up and rev.
" yeah, yeah" I walk over and grab onto his shoulders swing my leg over the bike and sitting down behind him.
" could you take the water bottle out of your pocket." He laughed and looked back at me. My lips form a straight line. " yeah sorry." I smile softly and take the water out of my hoodie pocket and hold it up. " what should I do with it?" I asked.
" just through it, ill get you somthijg to drink later. Now hold on." He said I threw the bottle and wrapped my arms around his waste tightly. Im comfortable but it is weird being pressed against him. I mean he can feel my starch on his back and I'm not enjoying that part. He patted my leg before we started moving. Right off the bat he sped down the streets. I smiled feeling the breeze push my hair hair back into the wind. The adreline flushed through my body as he swerved between cars. I payed my head on his back. I watched as we zoomed passed cars and buildings. Everything at this moment felt like a dream. This definitely made me feel better. Soon enough we went surrounded by cars anymore. We were going down a dirt road. We would see a couple cars every now and then but not much. I carefully lean my head forehad and whisper in his ear. " where are we going?" He started to slow down the bike just a bit. " 5 more minutes." He yelled back so I could hear over the wind. I lean back and looked around at all of the trees as we passed them. I looked forward seeing a hill that almost looked like a ramp, you would definitely get some air time. My heart started racing. Please tell me he's not going to do what I think is he's going to do. Dabi reved up the bike making it go even faster. " dabi I swear to god!" I exclaimed holding onto him tighter. I don't know how he could breathe with how tight I'm holding him. He chcukled as we approved the hill. This was never part of the plan. I diddnt want to fucking crash.
" hold on!" We sped up the hill shooting off into the air. I swear I could feel my soul leave my body for a second " holy shit!" I screamed holding onto him tightly. I could feel my butt lift off the seat but we landed back on the dirt road don't long after with a thud from falling back onto the seat. It felt like we were in th air for ever but it only lasted seconds. He slowed down and stopped abruptly casting a bunch of dust to surrand us. " now wasn't that fun?" He chcukled running his hands through his hair. I sat there still clenched around dabi. That diddnt last long though. The adrenaline came back I let go of him shooting my arms up in the air. " hell yeah! That was fun, let's do it again!" I shouted a giant smile planted on my face. I now see why people do this kinda stuff. Just the thought and airline if it going wrong is exislilrating. Dabit chcukled and turned enough to look at me but still hold the bike up. " that was fun wasn't it?" He smiled kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss feeling his lips attack mine. The roughness of his scard bottom lip only adding to the sensation. We parted and looked at each both full of aldreline and on edge, but in the good kind of way.

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