Another preference?

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This preference is not related to the last :)

But it's pretty much the same thing.

You're Steve's daughter. (Yay!)

I keep getting good ideas, I hope nothing happens to them. :)

*Knock on wood*

Oh! And you're a little younger now (Like 3) and you get a little cold after a nap

Y/n's pov

I walked up to my dad, putting my hands up, looking at him with my puppy eyes, doing my famous grabby hands.

"Hey honey." He said, picking me up and holding me in his arms.

I yawned and I got comfortable.

"Is my little y/n sleepy?"

He looked at his watch.

"Im not surprised, it is about nap time."

I rested my head on his shoulder and I yawned again.

He chuckled at me.

Steve's pov

I continued doing what I was doing as y/n fell asleep in my lap.

Then when she actually fell asleep, I carefully got up, to not wake her and I walked to her room, opened her door, walking into the light pink room, setting her down onto her bed.

I pulled the blankets over her and I sighed softly, smiling down at her before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

I walked back to the door, looking at her before turning the light off, which resulted in the night light turning on, softly illuminating the light pink room, practically filled with different sizes of stuffed animals, and closing the door enough for a little bit of light to shine through. (He would be a good dad :) amirite?)

*A couple hours later*

I was in the kitchen, making dinner, because it was my turn and then I felt someone tugging at my shirt.

I looked down and I saw y/n.

"Daddy I don't feel good." (I'm sorry to the people who thought of: "Mr. Stark I don't feel so good." I thought it too DX)

"Aw, what's wrong honey?" I asked.

She looked up at me, her cheeks were red and she sniffled.

She even looked sick.

"Nat?" I asked.

She came into the kitchen and she asked "What?"

"Can you keep an eye on the food? Y/n is sick." I said, motioning to the food that was cooking on the stove.

She smiled softly, giving y/n a hug and some head pats before coming up to the stove and watching the food.

I picked y/n up and I took her to the bathroom, where I kept all of the tools for situations like these.

I sat her down on the counter and I felt her forehead.

"Ooh you're very warm."

I took a thermometer and I turned it on, she opened her mouth and I put the end of it under her tongue.

I waited until it beeped before I took the thermometer back out.

I looked at it and it said '101.7''

"Aw you have a fever."

She sniffles again.

"Or maybe a little cold." I said just as she sneezed into her elbow.

"Definitely a little cold, honey how do you feel?" I asked.

She looked up at me with puppy eyes "My head hurts a little bit."

She started coughing.

I sighed, softly smiling at her.

I grabbed a bottle of cold medicine.

She looked at me as I poured the correct amount of medicine into the little cup.

She turned her head away as I tried to give her the medicine.

"Come on y/n, it's watermelon flavored, it's your favorite." I said, coaxing her to take the medicine.

"Mmm!" She said, crossing her arms still looking away.

Time to bring out the big guns.

"I'll give you a cookie."

Her head whipped around to look at me before she quietly asked "A cookie?"

I nodded "Drink the medicine, and I'll give you a cookie."

"Promise?" She asked, putting her pinky finger up.

I smiled before hooking my pinky finger to hers.


She took the medicine cup and she drank it.

After she gave the cup back she made a disgusted face.

"Ew!" She said.

I smiled as I rinsed the little cup out, putting the bottle back.

"That's so gross! Can I have the cookie now?"

I chuckled, picking her up and taking her back to the kitchen.

I put her down on the floor and I grabbed one of the cookies that y/n helped me bake a couple days ago.

She looked so cute in that little apron.

"Alright y/n, you can either have one now, or two later." I told her.

She yawned, holding her hand out for the cookie.

"No, two now!" She said.

"No, one now, or two later."

She crossed her arms.

"Fine, I'll wait till later."

She yawned again.

I went back to cooking the food and Natasha picked y/n up and took her to the living room.

I actually like writing these omg.

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