The Meet Up

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// 3rd Person POV //

On the way back to the camp, George was completely quiet, besides a few mumbles when Nick or Darryl asked if he was ok. Once they got back to the camp, George went to his tent and laid down with a sigh.

Why would he ask me to meet him...And why did he call me a cutie!?

George was full of thoughts and he eventually fell asleep while thinking. Nick had went to go get him and tell him that their dinner was ready a few hours after and saw he was asleep, and decided not to wake him up.

"Shouldn't he eat though? He hasn't ate all day!" Darryl questioned as Nick sighed.

"I mean yeah, but something seems to be bugging so maybe we should let him rest, if he wakes up before it gets any more dark we'll have him eat," Nick suggested.

Darryl sighed and agreed, starting to eat.

// Dream's POV //

I was back where I was staying and I couldn't stop thinking about if he had told his friends about what happened. I mean I doubt he did, seeing as they probably would've done something by now.

I honestly really hoped he would actually come to the spot again tomorrow. He wasn't that bad, he didn't try and kill me like every other hunter has. He actually seemed to get flustered easily, which I'll admit, was really cute. Not to mention, he doesn't seem to take interest in some girl that his friends are talking about.

I smiled to myself as I got ready to rest, excited for tomorrow.

// Nick's POV //

Darryl and I had just finished eating when George woke up. He had been acting weird ever since we met back up after looking for Dream. He also seemed really flustered and confused. Not to mention he was really quiet.

"Hey George! Did you sleep well?" Darryl beamed.

George rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Yeah, sorry about falling asleep though-"

"It's ok! You seemed like you need some rest anyways," Darryl re assured him.

"Are you hungry? We just got done eating, but we left some for you," I asked, holding out a small bowl to him.

"Yeah, thanks," George replied and started eating.

// George's POV //

I tried thinking of an excuse to use if I was actually going to meet up with Dream tomorrow.

"Georgeee-?" Darryls voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I looked up.

"You weren't answering us-" Nick stated.

"Oh sorry.." I apologized, taking another bite of the food.

"Are you ok? You've been acting kinda weird lately," Darryl pointed out, making me panic a bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind right now," I told them, before finishing up my food.

"Alright, well I'm gonna head to bed," Nick said, getting up.

"Same here, you heading back to bed George?" Darryl asked.

"Yeah, in a bit," I answered.

They nodded and both walked off to their tents. I sighed a bit before getting up. We had our camp set up near a small lake, that had some sand areas around it. I decided to head over there for a bit, grabbing my notebook before heading there.

The Hunted // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now