Haley Reisch

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Haley Reisch, the popular softball lesbian, had all the girls falling for her, including me. I knew she'd never like me. I knew I never had a chance at being with her. So basically I feel the same way about Haley that 12 year old girls feel about Justin Bieber.


I was walking around the school halls alone, per usual. I had gotten in trouble for being late to class for the third time this week, so my teacher gave me detention. I got to the door, behind it being, detention. I wasn't prepared for this, I have never gotten detention before. I took a deep breath and stepped through the door. There was one guy, two girls, no teacher which was kind of odd by the way, but one of those girls were Haley Reisch, she had gotten detention as well (not surprising). There was an empty seat next to her as I was slowly walking over to her some girl rushed and sat next to her before I could, making Haley jump. ''Yo, chill out.'' She said. ''Yeah, like are you obsessed or something?'' I asked rhetorically. ''Who even asked you, go sit down hoe.'' the girl replied. ''Woah, woah. I know you guys love me, there's enough Haley to go around.'' Haley said basking in her own glory. ''Shut up.'' Me and the burnet said in sync. ''Jeez, my bad.'' Haley then went over to sit next to her bro. I looked the girl up and down. She rolled her eyes at me and went to the back of the class closer to Haley. I sat in the seat she'd left. ''Damn, you weren't going to stop 'til you got that seat huh?'' I heard a voice echo from the back of the class room. ''Yup.'' I replied not really in the mood for her games. See Haley liked to flirt with girls all the time, and to her I was just another one of those ''chicks that dig her'' as she says. ''Stop flirting with her!'' the girl started once again. ''Bro why do you care, I don't even know you.'' Haley said ''Hi, I'm Kenzie. There you know me now.'' ''No I don't but okay.'' Haley replied to Kenzie. I just rolled my eyes and focused on my Math homework I had yet to finish.


''Sooo'' Hayley said breaking the silence. ''Yeah?'' Kenzie quickly replied looking up from her paper. ''Bruh she wasn't even talking to you.'' Haley's friend finally spoke, ''Exactly.'' I mumbled under my breath. ''Excuse me?'' ''The doors right there, excuse yourself.'' I said in an annoyed tone. ''Haha, damn. What's your name shorty?'' Haley asked. And this drove me over the edge, but I didn't show it. ''Why?'' I replied ''If your not gonna give me your name give me your number'' She said, ''Fine.'' I walked over to her, giving her my number. ''Ight, I'll catch ya later.'' Hayley grabbed her bag putting one of the straps over her shoulder about to walk out, ''Wait where are you going?'' I asked her. ''Home.'' She winked at me and then left before I could even say anything else. ''The only reason she got to detention is because she knew you were coming and she wanted your number.'' Haley's friend said. ''So she planned this, just to get my number?'' ''Yup.'' Her friend replied. ''Oh, would you shut up already. Okay, so what she likes you.'' Kenzie said, then grabbed her bag and left. Me an Haley's friend looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders, grabbed our bags and left as well. ''Well I'll see you later'' ''Bye'' I replied to him.


Later on at home, alone. I'd gotten a text from Haley.

sup shorty

hi lmao

watchu doing??

texting you

whats your address I wanna come over

what makes you think i'm just going to give you my address

cause ik your obsessed with me

okay, first it's you're and two I'm not obsessed with you

dont correct my grammar, thats my english teachers job

whatever lmao here's my address ####

ight omw shorty


I opened the door and saw Haley, ''So let me in.'' Haley said as soon as I opened the door ''Okay, okay.'' ''Your parents home?'' ''Nope'' A slight smirk began to grow on her face. ''What?'' ''Shorty it ain't hard to see that your body's calling me.'' ''No.'' ''Bruh'' ''Is that all you want?'' Haley just rolled her eyes. ''If so you can leave'' ''No, no no. I'm sorry.'' ''Okay. So want to watch television?'' ''Bahahaha, did you just say television?'' ''Yeah, what?'' ''Nothing, your just so...proper.'' ''Stop, lets go watch TV.'' ''You can say it however you want shorty I'm not judging, I'm not judging.'' She said as we were walking upstairs. ''Yeah whatever.'' We got to my room, ''Impractical Jokers? (or whatever show you like)'' I asked her ''Oh my god, yes I love that show.'' she replied. ''Okay haha''


3 hours later, I was...cuddling (?!?!) with Hayley Reisch. HOLY OMG- ''So, you wanna be my gf?'' Haley asked bluntly and out of nowhere ''Wait, huh?'' ''My girlfriend, do you want to be my girlfriend?'' She repeated ''Are you serious? Is this a prank?'' I asked concerned ''Nah, I'm for real.'' ''Uhm, yea- y- yeah, YES!'' I replied ''Haha. Your so cute.'' She then kissed my cheek

Haley ended up staying the night, and she went home in the morning.

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