Sky Katz

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Sky's POV: I was in the Nike store at the mall looking for a new pair shoes, duh. This was my 7th time in Nike this month. Yikes, I may have an addiction. Not to the shoes but, to the cashier, she's hot. I don't know why I just don't say something to her. Every time I cash out I get awkward and don't even flirt with the girl. But I'm going to do that today.

I finally found a pair of shoes I wanted I went up to the cash register but the girl I liked went to to the back an some guy came out.

''Is that all for you miss?''

''No.'' I replied.

''What do you mean?'' He asked

''I want the other girl to cash me out.'' I said, being serious.

''Are you serious? You think she's hot or something?'' He said joking around


''Oh. Well doesn't matter cuz she's mine.''

''Seriously?'' I said annoyed

''Yup. But you got me here so you better deal with it mamas.'' He said trying to flirt with me

''Why are you flirting with me you have a gf remember'' I said rolling my eyes

''So, it's not like I actually like her, I just think she's hot.'' He said, making me mad. And luckily the cashier I wanted before came out.

''Is there a problem?'' She asked.

''No, no ther-'' He tried to start but I cut him off

''Yes, he is talking about you behind your back. And disrespecting you.'' I said snitching as if I was a child. But I didn't care I wanted her to know.

''Is that true Joey?'' she asked him.

''What? No of course not.'' He lied. There were no witnesses in the store to back me up.

''Okay, you know what let me handle this Joey.''

''Don't flirt with her!'' He said, I just flipped him off.

''I'm confused.''

''I just told him that I had a crush on you and he told me that you were his gf but then started flirting me, so asked him why he was being like that, then he said that he was basically just using you and that only thought you were hot and didn't actually like you.'' I said, god I'm such a snitch.

''I'm sorry.'' I said

''It's fine, I knew he never loved me.'' She said as she started cashing me out. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me,

''If you want to talk, you can have my number?'' I asked her.

''Are you sure?''

''Yes of course.'' I assured her.

''Thank you, because I really have no one to talk to.''

''Oh, of course.''

We gave each other our numbers and later that night she poured her heart out to me, I felt so bad for her.

***A Couple Months Later

''Will you be my girlfriend?'' I asked nervously

''Of course Sky'' She said. And then we kissed.

''I love you'' I said.

''I love you too Sky.''

random gxg imagines .Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ