Charlie Morgan

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CHARLIE'S POV: Today was Wrestle Queendom, which is basically like a pay-per-view but for Pro Wrestling EVE. And I was going to go head to head with Sammi Jade for the EVE championship, I was excited, there was going to be so many people watching us wrestle. I also heard that there will be a special musical performance before our match. I wasn't sure who it was, I just over heard some people talking and I know that the singer is a girl and she's from the states, but that's about it.


Just as I was preparing for my match which was happening in a half an hour I heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" I shout. It was Kay Lee Ray, a friend of mine, "Hey, did you hear Y/N is playing her hit song before your match?" Kayleigh asks "Oh, that's her name? I barley even know who she is." I answer "Oh. Well she's pretty hot!!" Kayleigh responds, "Oh, shut up." I say she is always shipping me with random girls that I don't even know! I mean I think that it's nice she is trying, but it can be annoying at times. "Is she even gay?" I ask with concernment, "Yeah, she's bi" Kay answers, "Oh, well I'm sure she won't be into me anyways" I say, "Uhm, funny you say that actually.." Kayleigh answers making me very concerned. "What do you mean?" I ask, "Well. I talked to Y/N earlier and I asked her about her thoughts on you and she said that she thought you were cool, kind of like her altar ego. "I think she is pretty cool. She's kind of like my altar ego." Then I asked her if she thought that you were hot, and she said yes but you probably wouldn't be into her "Yeah, but I don't think that she'd like me." " Kayleigh replies, "Wow. Well she thinks I'm hot." I say looking at Kayleigh and raising an eyebrow. "Yes, she think you're hot" Kay says playfully rolling her eyes, "What does she look like?" I ask Kay, "Well you're going to wait and find out!" Kay laughs as she walks out. I was going to just look her up on my phone but now I kind of want to be a surprise.


Y/N POV: After my little talk with Kay Lee Ray I realized that I may have a tiny crush on Charlie Morgan...Okay, a huge crush. I haven't even seen her in person yet, but just thinking of her gives me butterflies.


There were just five minutes before my performance I still haven't had the chance to talk to Charlie yet. I take that back actually, I have had the chance, I'm just too nervous to, so I have been pushing it to the side. Apart from that, I'm really excited to preform my new hit single! (i'm gonna show you crazy by Bebe Rexha) It was perfect for this event. This is the second largest crown I have preformed in front of. My dream is to preform in front of tens and millions like at the Super bowl. Or maybe even Wrestlemainia! But for now, I'm grateful for this chance. "You go on stage in one minute" My hair dresser told me, "Okay!" I say giving him a thumbs up. Gosh I was so nervous and I could tell it. I don't even think I'm nervous to preform in front of all these fans, I think I'm nervous to preform in front of Charlie. After all I was singing right before her match, no pressure or anything.


I go out. And begin to sing. "There's a war inside my head. Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken. So I call this therapist. And she said girl you can't be fixed just take this." I sang my heart out removing all of the thoughts from my brain, only focusing on my singing. Before I knew it I was almost done, finishing up my last few verses, "Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath Yeah, I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you Yeah, I'm gonna show you" I sang as I wrapped up my song. I just took a few seconds to take in the crowd and their support, I'm so grateful to be in this position. Just a few moments after I heard someone's theme song play behind me. I turn around to see Charlie Morgan! Charlie. F'N. Morgan. I got really nervous, my stomach filled with butterflies. That's when Charlie looked at me and whispered, "Nice performance, love" and winked then went off into the ring, continuing her entrance. I was blushing so hard. I hurried backstage before Sammi came out so I wouldn't disturb any more of the match. As I was walking back to my locker room someone tapped me in the shoulder, it was Kay Lee. "Oh, hey!" I say. "Hey. Uhm by any chance did you fall any harder for Charlie out there?" She asks, already knowing the answer to that question "Are you kidding, yes! Did you see me, I was about ready to faint after she called me love" I reply dramatically. "I think that means she likes you, ouu" Kayleigh teases "Well maybe she does" I smile "I think you two should get together." Kay says "What?! I haven't even spoken to her yet, and you want us to date?" I ask "Well yeah, it's obvious to see that you both like each other, just go out already!" Kayleigh says, well more like demands "Okay fine! But you have to help me, what do I say?" I ask "Just be yourself and ask her if she wants to go out for lunch some time." Kay helps, "Okay, I will." I respond. "Ok, bye!" Kay says with a grin on her face. "Bye Kay Lee." I reply.


It's been 7 minutes since Charlie's match. She won the Pro Wrestling EVE championship. I don't know whether I should wait and let her savor the moment or go in there and ask her out I have given her almost 10 minutes but I don't know I feel like I will just ruin the celebration. But what if she leaves? I question myself. "Okay forget it!" I say as I walk toward Charlie's locker room. I knock on the closed door. "Come in!" I heard Charlie yell. I open the door slowly, "Hey." I say standing outside of the locker room with the door covering up most of me. "Hey," She laughs a little "What are you doing out there, come in!" Charlie finishes, as I slowly walk in. I stand there awkwardly and Charlie was just staring at me, I think in amusement, or fascination. Maybe she really does like me. "Uhm, sorry." Charlie says snapping out of her thoughts. "Y-You're uhm.. so pretty, I couldn't help but stare." Charlie apologies making me blush. "I uhm, actually came here to congratulate you on your win...congratulations." I lie, the real reason I came was to ask her out. "Thank you, darling" She says making me blush again, jeez what is wrong me? "Uhm. I-I-I'm gonna go now. Bye" I say trying to get out but I'm quickly pulled back by a stronger force, "Wait, Y/N" Charlie says "I really liked your song" She complements me "Oh, thank you" I laugh a bit and she smiles at me. "Could I get your number?" Charlie asks "Sure." Yes! She asked for my number! After we trade numbers I begin to walk out of her locker room, until I was pulled back once again. "Ye-" I was cut off by Charlie kissing me. Our kiss turned into a make out session. As Charlie closed the cracked door and pushed me up against it and turned off the light. Charlie begins to pull up my shirt but I stop her, "Woah, woah, woah. Shouldn't we wait, I mean we just met and I don't think that this is a good place to do this anyways." I say even though I wouldn't have minded it, I had to be responsible. "Yeah, you're right. Want to come to place" Charlie laughs "Sure, I was actually just going to stay at a hotel" I respond "Oh, you really want to come to my place?" She asks seriously this time "Yeah, if it's fine with you of course." I say "Okay" Charlie smiles "Get your stuff then, love." She says "Okay!" I say walking out, blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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