Emma Chamberlain

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Emma's POV: I was scrolling through my comments on my recent tiktok. And I seen a comment that stuck out to me, ''Do you like Sofia by Clario?'' it read. I loved that song, I was a closeted lesbian, and it's not that I was scared to come out to my fans, it's just I didn't know how. I was debating on replying on the comment, after a legit 5 minutes of thinking, I replied with ''it's a lesbo song, but yeah''. I was really anxious to see how people would react. To be honest I want people to suspect my sexuality, I think it will be easier to come out.

While I was waiting on people to react to my comment I went to the person's account that asked me the question. The first thing I noticed was the ''🏳‍🌈'' in her bio. She was very beautiful. I wanted to start talking to her so I followed her back on TikTok and followed her IG. Quickly she followed me back. Then I'd gotten a DM from her.

''Emma Chamberlain, following me? Wow, I'm honored.''

''lmao'' I replied

''wow you must really like me that was a fast reply''

''no i'm just not a dry texter. ur alright''


''lol wanna be friends?''


I really liked her vibe. I think we will hit off well.

''so are you like gay? cause i saw your reply on tiktok''

I had no idea how to respond to that. I don't know if I should tell her.

''for billie eilish yea''

That was a complete lie, I love Billie but I wasn't just gay for her.

''i mean what girl isn't gay for bil''

''yeah lmao''

''so what do you do in your free time? listen to lesbian songs?''

''haha very funny''

''thank you :)''

''okay ima be honest with you''


''I am a lesbian. closeted though''

''rly? you seem like such a free spirit, why are you closeted?''

''Idc what ppl think of me or my sexuality its just i don't know how to come out i want ppl to suspect my sexuality bc then it'd be easier to come out yk?''

''well then they'll think you were forced''

''i mean true ig''

''i think you should come out, i'm sure your fans won't care. and if anyone thinks of you differently then they can idk a good roast but yk what i'm trying to say''

''lmfao yeah. should i do it in a tiktok or yt video?''

''maybe you should do that i don't cook i don't clean trend then show pics of like billie or something''

''that actually sounds like a good idea''

''okay go do it. now.''

''lmao ttyl''

''okay bye''

I did exactly what Y/N told me to do. The suspicion was already raised when I said the think about the Clario song. I posted the tiktok, with no hesitation, but a bit of fear. I thought this was going to be easy.


They next day later I check my DM's nothing from Y/N. So I checked my Tiktok. Oh my god. There very few negative comments. Lots of welcoming comments. One being from Y/N. ''she do be hot doe'' I liked the comment.

Later after I had showered, and edited my youtube videos, I went live from my bed on TikTok. Knowing there would be so many questions on my sexuality I titled the live ''Q&A 🌈 ft Declan''


After I'd came out on live telling everyone I was lesbian, I texted Y/N.



''nothing wyd''

''staring at the wall waiting for you to respond''

''lmao did you see my live?''

''no, did you come out?''


''i'm really happy for you''

''yeah i can tell''

''lol i'm bad at displaying emotions''

''lmao i can't say anything cause i'm the same way''

''where do you live? not to sound like a stalker or anything''

''nah i totally get where you're coming from, but i live in cali, you?''

''same, maybe we should meet up after covid?''

''sure, yeah. also ur like rly hot''

''so are you lmao''


''catch ya later shorty''

''slow down i'm the top''


''but fr i gotta go''

''okay bye''

''bye lesbo''

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