Chapter 1

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Tadashi's POV:

"Suga and I decided that we should go on a 'family' vacation to bond with each other and relax some before school starts up." Daichi announced at the end of our last practice before the school year began. We normally would have two weeks between our two-week long 'beginning of the school year training' and the actual start of the school year.

"Why the hell would I want to spend more time with these idiots?" I heard Tsukki groan beside me.

"HEYYY!" Kageyama, Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka yelled in unison. "Funny, even they know they're idiots." Tsukki said looking at me. I giggled at his comment, I knew it was wrong, but it was still kinda funny.

"That attitude is exactly why we're doing this!" Suga said coming up behind Daichi, smiling at everyone. "So, it's not so you can sleep with Daichi alone in a cabin?" Tsukki smirked at Suga.

"Tsukishima Kei!" Daichi and Suga yelled at the same time. "That's my name, and you're probably going to be saying it a lot if you make me go on your 'vacation'." Tsukki said.

Suga stepped up in front of him with a murderous aura. I slightly stepped away from Tsukki, not wanting to get in Suga's way, he was very scary when he was angry. 

"Now, Kei you are going with this group on this vacation and you are going to enjoy spending time with everyone. Or I will put you in the same cabin as Kageyama and Hinata. Do I make myself clear?" He said threatingly, making Tsukki cower a bit. 

"Hey! Why are we being punished for the saltshakers attitude??" Kageyama asked and Daichi glared at him, which shut him up instantly.

"Okay." Tsukki said and stepped ever so slightly closer to me. 'cute' I thought to myself.

After Tsukki's little outburst we discussed more details about the trip. "There's even a lake near our cabins!" Suga said excitedly and I felt my stomach drop.

I hadn't told anyone about this, not even Tsukki because I was too embarrassed. I'm terrified of the water, so I never learned how to swim. 'shitshitshitshitshitshit!' I thought to myself as Suga continued.

"Hey, Dashi are you okay?" Tsukki whispered, looking at me. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just really excited to get to take a vacation with you!" I smiled at him. 

'Did he just blush???' I thought to myself as I watched Tsukki's cheeks tint ever so slightly. "Shut up Yams." Tsukki grumbled and turned back to Suga.

I was very excited to spend more time with Tsukki but I also had a bad feeling about this trip.

~time skip~

Tsukki behaved after his first outburst, so he was allowed to share a cabin with me. I certainly didn't mind, I loved spending time with Tsukki. I've actually had a crush on him since I first met him. Everyone had paired up to share a cabin; Tsukki and I, Kageyama and Hnata, Kinoshita and Narita, Tanaka and Ennoshita, Noya and Asahi, Daichi and Suga, and finally Kiyoko and Yachi. Coach Ukai and Professor Takeda stayed at the big lodge at the main building which was a little way away from our camp site.

Daichi had told us to go unpack in our cabins and explore the nearby area before meeting up at the center of our camp site in two hours. 

"Hey, let's go to the dock, put on your swimsuit." Tsukki called to me after we had unpacked in our cabin, "O-okay Tsukki." I said hesitantly back.

I pulled out the swim trunks I had brought with me. The night before I had decided that I would try to get over my fear of the water during this trip, but I was still nervous about facing my fear. I guess I was taking too long because Tsukki called to me from the cabin door, "Hurry up Yams!" 

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