Halo 1-2 - Sergeant Branwen's Speeches

Start from the beginning

"That does make me feel better," Ironwood said.

"Never going to happen," Qrow said.

"Never say never," Clover said.

Several Pelicans and Broadswords prepped for take-off and combat.

"5th Platoon, secure airlocks on Deck 2. 14th Platoon, rendezvous with 22nd Tactical at bulkhead Charlie 14."

Marines were scrambling about, getting the tanks manned and ready.

A Warthog drove pass the tanks into a different hangar, where the marines were assembling for deployment.

"You heard the lady," Sergeant Branwen said. "Move like you got a purpose!"

"Ah yes, the sergeant," Jaune said. "A staple for all military shows and games."

"This takes me back," Winter said.

"I sure as hell didn't miss it," Clover said.

"What, getting yelled at 24/7?" Saphron asked.

"Yup, now we do the yelling," Winter said.

"How did Qrow survive that?" Raven asked. "I can't see him making his bunk to military precision."

"Easy, he survived by being the biggest, toughest badass in the platoon," Zack said. "Then he got revenge by being the one doing all the yelling. Helps that he has a strong set of lungs."

"Sounds about right," Yang said.

"Uncle Qrow's the coolest!" Ruby cheered.

"Heh," Qrow chuckled. Damn right he was!

"You actually look good in a uniform," Summer said.

"Wait till he shows up in a dress uniform," Tai said. "Then we'll be laughing at how uncomfortable he'd be."

Winter blushed. Qrow in a dress uniform, an Atlesian dress uniform...

"She's gone off to wonderland again," Whitley said.

"Oh, leave her to her dreams, dear," Willow said.

"This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill."

The marines lined up as Qrow addressed them.

"Men, keep your eyes downrange, fingers on your triggers and we all go home in one piece."

"Am I right, marines?" Qrow asked his men.

"Sir, yes sir!"

"Mmm-hmm. Damn right I am. Now move it out! Double-time!"

"Pretty basic," Adam said. "Not all that inspired."

"It got the message across at least," Watts said.

"Come on," Summer said. "You can do better."

"It's sound advice at least," Blake said.

"Well judges, what's the verdict?" Zack asked.

Neo held up a '6' sign.

Coco, 5.

Port, 7.

"I can accept that," Qrow said. The speech was pretty generic.

"Attention, all personnel. We are re-engaging the enemy. External and internal contact imminent," Weiss announced as the marines moved out.

"All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close..." Qrow said, "... this is going to be your lucky day."

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