chapter 1

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~3rd person's pov~

13 year old Shouyou woke up to his alarm going off. He just sat up on his bed and rubed his eyes. "Time to school," Shouyou said and got up from his bed. He took his school uniform and changed into it. Suddenly his head swings to the side few times. 'Weird' he tought but shruged it off. He went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth. Shouyou smelled something really good, 'pancakes!' He screamed in his head. He skipped to the kitchen, "morning mom!" Shouyou yelled. His mom smiled and said, "morning Shouyou, eat up so u won't be late to school." Shouyou just hummed happily and eated fastly after sitting down to the kitchen chair.
After he was done eating, Shouyou got up and left to school. "Bye mom! Love you!" He yelled right befor closing the front door.

~ time skip to school ~

~Shouyou's pov~

I sat down to my seat. My head swinged to the side fastly again, just like earlier this morning. 'Weird' I tought to myself again. I just shruged it off again and tried my best to pay attention to the teacher. I squeezed my eyes together tightly and swang my head to the side. 'What is going on' I tought to myself, I was starting to worry a bit. I just took a deep breath and tried to do my math work even tho I didn't understand much of it.

The lunch bell rang. I got my bento from my bag and went to eat with my friends Izumi and Kōji. We talked about random stuff, like sports, food, school. I also told them about the random stims I got today, but they said that it's most likely nothing too important. I just nodded and smiled widely at them.

The bell rang again, meaning lunch break ended, I packed up my bento and rushed to my next class. 'English..' I tought to myself. I sat to my seat and put my bento box away. I sighned as I took my English book from my bag. The teacher came to the room saying something in English, I didn't understand much but I think she said "good evening" to us. I just kinda spaced out and stared into nothing.

I heared someone calling my name. "Hinata, could u anwser the next question," said my teacher. I looked into the teacher and then to the book. "I-I," I started to stutter trying to think the anwser. I just looked down and shook my head. The teacher just sighned and said "try to pay more attention please." I just nodded my head. The class went on and I just looked down spacing down.

~ Time skip to after school ~

~3rd person's pov~

Shouyou was on his way to a park close to the school grounds. School was over, which means he can go train his volleyball skills. Since his friends have their own after school clubs to join, he will just train by himself. He got to the park and started to play byhimself. He just tossed the ball to the air by himself. It was little boring, but it was still something.

After good hour or 2 of passing the ball around he stoped. It was starting to get dark so Shouyou needed to go back home. He got his bag from the ground and got his bike and started to leave back home to the mountains. His weird stims started again. Shouyou's head swinged to the side fastly few times. 'Again? Why?' He just tought to himself. He just kept biking back home.

When Shouyou got home, he was greeted by his mom. She told Shouyou that food was almost ready. Shouyou just said "okay mom!" And went to his room. He changed out from his school uniform and went to downstairs.
(A/N: also! In this fanfic Shouyou don't have a sister. Sad i know.) I just went to the livingroom to watch some tv befor the dinner was done.

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