Unsteady Future

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Hello Everyone! this is a new story I began because I could not accept the end of the show. I'm planning to keep going on writing FanFiction as long as I can and hope the other writers too, I hope you still reading these stories and keep on enjoying our little world!

I hope you like this new journey with all its ups and downs!
Every Suggestion, comment, or review is very welcome!
Please, let me know if there's any grammar mistake

Thanks for reading and comment, you all rock!

(Bold-Italic letters are texts in this chapter)

*revised episode for minor details and grammar.

B. M. Adams

Disclaimer: I do not own any from R&I, just the plot and Original Characters

Chapter 1: Unsteady Future


It was almost sunset, was a cold winter noon in Boston. I was home alone; my parents were in Florida, bringing my sister home for the holidays, she was studying there. A rough snowfall began and due to the force of the storm, I knew the flights will be getting canceled as the storm grew stronger. Said and done, my dad called me a little while later and said that their flight will be delayed for a few hours, the flight was scheduled for 5:50 pm, now was rescheduled to 8:30 pm.

After 30 minutes or so; I turned the Tv on, the weather channel predicted one the hugest storms in the past decade that night. I was scared at first; it was dangerous to be on the streets with that kind of weather, let alone being in the air on a plane.

My phone rang a couple of hours later, was my father again who said that the flight was rescheduled again, this time the delay was unknown, the flight will depart when the storm eases off. I stayed home the whole day, enjoying some quiet, alone time with me myself and I before the craziness of the holidays. Even though, since my grandparents deceased years ago, we were just the four of us but even with just four people around, things always went kind of crazy.

I went to bed around 11:30 pm, the storm was raging outside and the snow falling uncontrollably, even thunders were hitting. The storm was getting stronger as the hours passed by. I fell asleep lulled by the sound of the raindrops hitting against the roof tiles and the sound of the wind crashing against the tree branches and leaves, alongside the lullaby sang by the thunders.

I woke up Exalted at about half-passed 6 am or so, my heart was racing and pounding hardly against my chest. I was very anguished; something wasn't right, and I didn't know why. I tried to go to sleep back again, but I couldn't. The light started to pick from the curtains even thought it was still very cloudy outside. I picked my phone from the nightstand, there was a message from my Mom saying we're on the plane, ready to take off; we'll be home around 10 or so. Love you. She texted me at 5:36 am. I sighed and got up, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed face, got dressed, and went downstair, starting to make some much-needed coffee. After the coffee was ready, grabbed a mug, and filled it, and took a book that I recently started from the coffee table of the living room. Sitting in one of the chaise-longue beside the pool, slowly sipping from the mug I started to read. Several times in between I checked my phone, waiting for a text from my mom or dad, saying that they were at Logan International waiting for a cab to bring them home. It never came.

Passed 11 am I started to wonder why they haven't called yet. My phone was ringing constantly, no texts or calls from my parents or sister though. I was checking my texts when a friend sent me a message saying: Channel 7 news, NOW. I raised an eyebrow, puzzled. I went to the living room rapidly and grabbed the remote, turning the Tv on. My hands started to sweat, I became nervous and anxious, I called my mom, dad and sister several times, and no one answered. Every minute that passed made me more anxious. The news were fatal, no survivors, the plane was completely destroyed and if that big aircraft was unrecognizable, I can't begin to imagine how the people there ended up looking like if those bodies were recognizable at all. The reporter was announcing the number of the flight, at that moment I wasn't capable of remembering the number of my parents' flight.

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