Chapter 3

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Once he finally released himself, he straightened his black school blazer and smiled that same slithering, poisonous smile.

“Good to see you too, wife.”


I made a disgusted noise and folded my arms. “Don't call me that, and you still didn't answer my question. What are you doing here, Daniel?”

“Can't a guy check in on his future betrothed once in a while? It's been so long since you came to see me,” his voice crooned in such a sickening tone and his blue eyes gleamed wickedly. He bit his bottom lip and leered at my appearance. “I miss you, Emz.”

“You're really starting to piss me off. And just because it was our family's dream once upon a time for us to end up together, don't be stupid enough to think me and you will ever happen,” I looked him over in disgust. His uniform was almost the same as mine, with beige colored dress pants, and a white button down shirt that he tucked in at the waist. The only difference was his black and white striped tie and his blazer; black, with white military style buttons and the Crescent High emblem—two eagles with their wings overlapping encased in a golden oval with floral patterns as its border—patched onto the right breast. His sandy blonde hair was jaggedly cut and strutting out at different directions and his slovenly smile grew even wider as he bent his leg beneath him and leaned back against the wall.

“Well, maybe there was a reason,” his words were slow, accentuated and greedy. Everything about Daniel Romford was greedy. “Rumor has it, a certain Beaumont individual is hosting a party this evening.”

I groaned. Of course.

“It wasn't my idea, and it wasn't my plan. If I could get out of it I would.”

“Now now, Emily,” he pushed himself from the wall and stepped closer towards me. “You can't mourn your parents' death forever, especially if they're not technically supposed to be dead.”

In a fit of rage I pinned him against the wall with my elbow firmly pressing against his neck. “How dare you presume to even mention my parents,” I hissed. “What the hell do you think you're doing saying stuff like that here? What if someone heard you?” He laughed and held his hands up in submission.

“Hey, why you gotta be so feisty? I've kept it a secret haven't I?” His dirty blue eyes gleamed down at me, burning with smug condescension. Before I could even ease up my pressure against his neck, he had grabbed both of my wrists, spun me round and pushed my back forcefully against the wall, switching our positions. “But the question is for how long? Huh? You know you can be a real bitch sometimes, Emz. I've done nothing but abided by your wishes. I've kept my father's interests in your worthless company well and truly alive. And as long as everyone believes your parents are alive, then so will their wish for us to be married,” his fingers gripped my wrists even tighter and his lips hovered over my ear. “But it's okay,” he whispered. “Now that you're eighteen, Daddy said I can have you whenever I want.” He pulled back and smiled at my hateful glare. “Happy birthday, by the way.”

“You make me feel physically sick,” my voice was low, acidic and full of burning anger. The remaining saliva I had left in my mouth I collected with my tongue and spat it in his face. With a grunt, he lowered his head and used his shoulder to wipe away the spit that was clinging to his cheek. In those couple of seconds I realized what I had done and tried to squirm free of his deathly grip on my wrists. While still looking at the floor, Daniel started to laugh. The pain in my wrists was getting unbearable but he seemed to only squeeze them tighter, and then with unbelievable force he smashed my fists to the wall. The stone bricks crashed against my knuckles. I cried out  as blinding white pain pierced through me. My body went weak, and when he finally released me I slumped to the floor; my hands completely limp and lifeless in my lap. Weak cries of pain echoed and it took a few seconds for me to realize the cries were mine. My vision started to acquire a white tint at the corners, as the screaming agony of my hands throbbed and ebbed through my whole body. Daniel stood over me, a pleased smirk upon his face and the same smugness lighting his eyes. I wondered how weak I looked to him at that moment.

Her Demon BodyguardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon