Chapter 21

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Alessia POV

"No way. I am not going out like this."

"Sia, you promised," Kayla stood behind me in the mirror. I didn't even look at her, my eyes glued to the costume I had on. I don't know how, but Kayak had managed to get me in the worst outfit I've ever worn. She turned me into a bright pink ballerina. "You look adorable, now quit complaining. I still need to do your makeup."

"I think I can do my own," I muttered, but she ignored me.

Kayla needed someone to dress up with her. Something about meeting up with the boy she liked, who she refused to name. Knowing that I hated to dress up, she asked me to come. I guess this was me making it up to her. Or the start.

"You look pretty," she put the hand mirror in my face. My usual nude makeup was replaced with eyeliner, fake lashes, and to top it off, princess pink lip gloss. Definitely not my style.

"I look ridiculous. No offense," I stared at my reflection.

"No you don't," she rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna get dressed and then we'll leave." Kayla grabbed her bag and headed to the bathroom. She came out in a matching tutu, but in white.

"Why do you get the white one?" I groaned.

"Because I know you hate pink," she said matter of factly. Fair enough.

I looked at myself once again in the mirror. Kayla had forced me into a blush pink leotard and tutu, that hugged onto my curves. Maybe a little too much for my liking. Practically sheer white tights went up my legs meeting the ballet flats I had laced on to my ankles. I hated everything about this. Don't get me wrong, I like to look nice and get ready, but not like this. It was no where near my style, and even if it was it made me feel insecure.

As we headed down the stairs, we were met by my mom coming through the door. Great.

"Kayla? Alessia?" She exclaimed. "What is-why are you- I don't even know where to start." Her eyes darted between the both of us.

"Hey Jane," Kayla smiled. "Alessia and I are heading out for Halloween, is that okay?"

"Yes of course," my mom grinned at Kayla. She could never say no to this girl.

"Perfect, we'll be heading out then. I'll say goodbye when I drop Sia back off."

"See you the girls. Have fun," my mom waved as Kayla led the way out the door. "You look adorable," my mom teased as I walked past her.

"Oh be quiet," I huffed before closing the door behind me. "I still don't understand why you chose ballerinas of all things," I said to Kayla as we struggled to get our tutus in her car.

"Well, I thought to myself, 'what would Alessia hate the most?' And we ended up here," she shrugged as she drove off.

"So, this guy," I awkwardly tried to make conversation. "Do I know him?"

"Yeah, pretty well actually," she blushed.

"Seriously, who is it?"

"You'll see when we get there," she tried to shrug me off.

"At least give me some hints," I fake begged. I didn't realize how much I missed this. Talking to Kayla.

"He is super cute for one. And really sweet, in his own way," she gushed. "I don't know if he likes me though."

"Then why are we meeting up with him? I'm pretty sure if he invited you to hang out he does."

"About that," she smiled weakly, "you see he didn't exactly invite me."

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