2. Necklace

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[Mammon X Reader]

Mammon had always been the most empathetic brother, able to tune into how others were feeling easily because he always payed attention even when everyone thought he was just an airheaded scumbag. So when December rolled around and his human became a bit more withdrawn in subtle ways the other brothers didn't notice, he noticed. He saw the way her eyes would find the nearest window while she listened to the others but wasn't really paying attention, a look of mournful longing in those pretty (e/c) irises. He noticed the way she would deflate a little each morning they left the house to walk to RAD for classes, as if something was missing. It was winter in the Devildom but it was still ungodly hot, at least for a human like her.

But it wasn't until he was idly browsing through some human world websites that he realized why she was acting so differently. Christmas was fast approaching and it was a holiday that, obviously, demons didn't typically celebrate. Celebrating Christmas must be one of her family traditions like it was for many humans.

He found her seated on the steps outside the front door of the house the night before Christmas, a thin blanket draped over her shoulders and a hot cup of tea in her hands that steamed as she stared down into the liquid with a melancholy look. He sat down beside his human and watched her for a long while as she didn't seem to acknowledge his presence. Eventually, she looked up to the hazy red and black night sky of the Devildom and let out a heavy sigh. "You miss Christmas, huh?" He said in a quiet voice that was very different from his normal boisterous tones. She nodded and watched the foreign stars twinkle in the sky as some fluffy clouds slowly began to cover them up as they passed on the wind. "Why didn't ya say somethin? We coulda done something for ya to celebrate."

"You're demons, Mammon... And the seven deadly sins at that. I couldn't ask that of you. Not when its a holiday to celebrate your father that you all fought against before being thrown from heaven. There's always next year..." her voice wavered, clearly upset she was missing out but her stubbornness was impressive. The amount she cared for him and his brothers always shocked him in the best of ways. This sweet, perfect human girl truly loved him and all his brothers and never wanted to do something that might upset them or make them uncomfortable. At least not on purpose. It almost brought tears to his eyes but he forced himself not to get so emotional. This wasn't about him. It was about his precious human who was hurting inside. He stood abruptly and left her alone in confusion.

But he didn't make her wait long before he returned to her side on the steps with a long, thin box. "I was savin this for your birthday, but I can just get you somethin else for that. Go on, open it." He urged her, taking the tea cup from her hands to replace it with the box he'd brought her. It wasnt wrapped, he hadn't had time. But it was the thought that counted and the tiny surprised smile it brought to her lips warmed Mammon's heart. She opened the box to reveal a simple silver chain necklace with a small circular pendant that had his sin's sigil engraved on it. She took it out of the box and held it out toward Mammon with a happy smile. "Could you put it on for me?" Mammon was happy to oblige, taking the necklace from her and putting it around her neck carefully. He clasped it in the back and moved her hair out of the way. "Merry Christmas, MC."

MC held the pendant in her palm, holding it up to look at it closer. It was so simple yet so perfectly Mammon and before she knew it, tears had welled up in her eyes and spilled over to drip down her chin onto the pendant and her hand. She closed her hand around the pendant and brought her other hand up to hold that one right over her chest, squeezing her eyes shut. Poor Mammon was panicking, not sure why she was crying and torn between offering her words of reassurance and just wrapping her up in a bear hug. "Thank you, Mammon. Thank you so much."

"Silly human, What're ya thanking me for?" He tried to play it cool when she opened her eyes again and turned to face him. He was lucky his voice was steady because his emotions sure as hell weren't. He hadn't meant to make her cry! He just wanted to cheer her up by giving her a present for the holiday she missed so much that the demons didn't celebrate. She smiled through her tears and let go of the necklace to let it lay against her skin in favor of throwing her arms around Mammon's shoulders and burying her face in his neck. "Thank you, for the necklace. For celebrating Christmas with me. For always making every day here in the Devildom exciting and fun, even if we get in trouble with Lucifer all the time. Thank you for being my protector. For being my first demon." A tear filled laugh broke up her little rant at her own words but she was quick to recover and continue before Mammon could interject. "Thank you for just being you. And thank you for being here, with me and caring. I love you so very much Mammon. So very much..."

Mammon hugged her back, albeit a bit awkwardly as his embarrassment flared up from her high praise. A rosy blush took over his face upon the confession as well. He certainly hadn't anticipated that, but the feeling was 100% mutual. He just couldn't find the words to tell her that. So he opted for the next best thing that he was always good at, acting without thinking. He pulled away from her just enough so she was forced to lift her head from his neck and glance up at him curiously. "Mammon?" She called his name softly, tilting her head slightly as she stared, eyes still wet from her previous crying that had finally stopped. He huffed at himself and went for it, tightening his grip around her as he leaned in to press his lips against hers in a kiss so sweet that she wondered if maybe Mammon still had some angel left in him even after all this time.

She didn't let her initial shock last long, leaning into the action and bringing one of her hands up to thread her fingers through the soft, fluffy white hair at the back of Mammon's head, holding him in place. This was far better than the physical gift he had just given her. All she ever wanted since she realized her feelings for the demon was for him to return her love. Now she had it and she was ecstatic, and she wasn't about to let this chance slip through her fingers. MC pulled back from the kiss first but was quick to lean her forehead against his and smile at him warmly. "Could we go back inside? To your room?" Her eyes held his gaze even as a bright blush erupted on his face once more and he squirmed, seeming unable to find his words at the mere implication of what going back to his room right now would entail. His mind was clearly in the gutter but MC didn't care. He was adorable all flustered like this.

She brought her hands down to his chest to rest there, slowly tracing shapes on the flat of his pecs through his shirt with a finger as she spoke up again. "I'd like to spend more time with you, just you. With no chance that one of your brothers will interrupt." She didnt elaborate on what exactly she wanted to do with him alone in his room, but if his mind really was in the gutter like she assumed, then she supposed there was no need to explain with words. It was easy enough to convince him and get him back to his room. Once the door was locked and they were settled on his bed, he started to have doubts about this. He was scared he might lose himself and hurt her though after much reassuring that if he did something that hurt or was too much for her she would use the pact to get him to stop, he gave in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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