"I'm fine, why don't you go to your boyfriend." Luhan growled.

"No....I actually stayed here for a purpose."

"What?" He asked uninterested.

"Oppa, please, what's wrong with you?" I asked, I had enough of his attidue.

"Nothing! Everything is perfectly fine!"

There was a moment of silence when Luhan started talking.

"I'll do it."

"Huh? Do what?"

"The favour you asked me to do."


"Yea. If you want to win that war you better focus. But why are you so serious on this war huh?"

"Jiyun is very powerful although she has no special ability. She's Kai's little sister but we kicked her out after she tried to kill me. The next day we found out that she went to the fox side and some people were controlling her but that still didn't mean she was allowed to come back. We also found out that she was safe and sound with a guy called L. I can't believe I didn't remember this...."


"Now, erase my memory Lulu~" I begged as I did aegyo. Luhan suddenly blushed.

"Mwoya...you still like me?"

"Of course I do."

"Wow still?"

"I don't give up that easily,"

"Ok, if you say so~"

"Do you want me to jar the memory of him or throw it away?" He asked.

I thought about it real hard.

"Throw them away."


"Throw them away. I don't want them anymore."

"N-no Soojung."

"Luhan. Erase my memory of him now. Throw them away."

"No Soojung. I can't do that."

"Yes you can. Oh and Luhan....Make me like you. You can do that too right?"

"Soojung, you're going crazy. I will never do that. As much as I love you, this is wrong."

"Do you really love me?"

"Yes. I do."

"Then do it."

"You said you wanted to get rid of Kai from your memory to focus on the war, why would you want to like me?"

"Because I trust you....I....throughout all these years I felt sorry for you. I didn't want to break you. I want to help you too Luhan."

Luhan bit his lips not knowing what to do.

"Fine then, I'll just do it myself."

"No! I-I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" I asked


Luhan's POV

She has offically gone mad. Soojung lay on my bed as she closed her eyes waiting for me to do it.


"Yea?" I asked.

"C-can I go to Kai for a moment?"

I couldn't help but say yes. Once she was gone I started spazzing.


Why?... (Book 2) (EXO fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now